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周髀算經   By:

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周髀算經 is a fascinating ancient Chinese mathematical text that delves into the principles of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Despite its age and authorship being unknown, this book provides valuable insights into the mathematical practices of the time.

The text is organized into sections covering various mathematical topics, such as fractions, equations, and geometric properties. The examples and problems presented are challenging yet engaging, showcasing the advanced mathematical skills of the ancient Chinese scholars.

One of the most impressive aspects of this book is its use of practical applications to demonstrate mathematical concepts. From calculating the dimensions of rectangles to solving real-world equations, the text bridges the gap between abstract theory and everyday use.

Overall, 周髀算經 is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of mathematics or ancient Chinese culture. While some sections may be difficult to understand for modern readers, the book's insights into the mathematical practices of ancient China make it a worthwhile read for scholars and enthusiasts alike.

First Page:

周髀算經 zhou bi suan jing 

B.C. 100


昔者周公問于商高曰.竊聞乎大夫善數也. 請問古者包犧立周天歷度. 夫天不可階而升.地不可得尺寸而度. 請問數安從出. 商高曰.數之法.出于圓方. 圓出于方.方出于矩. 矩出于九九八十一. 故折矩. 以為句.廣三. 股修四. 徑隅五. 既方其外.半之一矩. 環而共盤.得成三四五. 兩矩共長二十有五.是謂積矩. 故禹之所以治天下者.此數之所生也. 周公曰.大哉言數. 請問用矩之道. 商高曰.平矩以正繩. 偃矩以望高.覆矩以測深.臥矩以知遠. 環矩以為圓.合矩以為方. 方屬地.圓屬天.天圓地方. 方數為典.以方出圓. 笠以寫天. 天青黑.地黃赤.天數之為笠也.青黑為表.丹黃為堙D以象天地之位. 是故.知地者智.知天者聖. 智出于句. 句出于矩. 夫矩之于數.其裁制萬物.惟所為耳. 周公曰.善哉.


昔者.榮方問于陳子. 曰.今者竊聞夫子之道. 知日之高大. 光之所照. 一日所行. 遠近之數. 人所望見. 四極之窮. 列星之宿. 天地之廣... Continue reading book >>

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