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瀛涯勝覽   By: (fl. 1414-1451)

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"瀛涯勝覽" by Huan Ma takes readers on a journey through the beautiful landscapes of ancient China. The author's vivid descriptions transport readers to a different time and place, allowing them to experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of the region. From lush mountains to serene rivers, each destination is brought to life through the author's detailed storytelling. While the book focuses primarily on the physical beauty of the landscape, it also touches on the history and cultural significance of each location, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the region. Overall, "瀛涯勝覽" is a captivating read for anyone interested in Chinese history, culture, and natural beauty.

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馬敬序   昔蕭何入關,惟取圖籍﹔玄齡克城,獨採人物,使民筆之,良有以也。洪惟 我朝太宗文皇帝、宣宗章皇帝,咸命太監鄭和率領豪俊,跨越海外,與諸番貨, 其人物之豐偉,舟楫之雄壯,才藝之巧妙,蓋古所未有。然也二帝之心,豈真欲 誇多鬥靡於遠方哉!蓋聲名施及蠻貊,使普天之下,含靈蠢動悉沾德化,莫不知 有其君而尊親焉。然奉命而往者,吾不知幾千萬人,而盡厥事稱厥旨者,舍吾山 陰宗道馬公其誰乎?公以才幹優裕,首膺斯選,三入海洋,遍歷番國,金帛寶貨 略不ç§... Continue reading book >>

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