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麟兒報   By:

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"麟兒報" is a gripping and haunting novel that immerses readers in a world of political corruption, power struggles, and dark secrets. The author's writing style is concise yet powerful, creating a sense of tension and suspense that keeps the reader on edge throughout the entire story. The characters are complex and well-developed, each with their own motivations and flaws that drive the plot forward. The novel delves deep into the complexities of human nature and the lengths people will go to in order to protect their own self-interests. Overall, "麟兒報" is a thought-provoking and impactful read that will leave readers reflecting on the themes long after turning the final page.

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书名: 麟兒報

Title: Lin Er Bao Author: Anonymous

序   人之涉世,欲取功名富貴,莫不貴乎能文,然而劉蕢不第;莫不貴乎善武,然而李廣 難封。此中得失似別有主之者。惟其有主,故營求百出,攘奪萬端。無論搏沙捕影,徒勞 智計,即僥倖於始,亦必淪喪於終,安能獲悠久自然之享。若然,則富貴功名,終將誰屬 ?   吾見香山發還帶之裴,竺橋付渡蟻之宋,埋枯骨開八百之基,哀王孫獲千金之報,此 俱不過一念之仁耳。而善念動天,早已錫福於無窮矣。   請論之,廉老一窮夫婦也,推其願,衣食飽暖足矣,何暇作白屋公卿之想?即勛之曰 為善降祥,亦不敢以一蔬一飯之小惠,而妄思其厚報。孰知德不在大小,貴乎真誠。真誠 ,則己飽而念人之饑,己暖而念人之寒。不待來求,而先為之心動。縱使無力,亦為之不 倦。此其心何心?天高地厚之心也;此其量何量?民包物與之量也。有此心量,雖對之聖 賢而不慚,質之鬼神而無愧。即闇然一室,而理之所在,必感必通。何況恰恰逢仙,安有 不明承其指點,暗示其機關,以廣上天錫善之旨,而不忍為善付之空言也。故溝... Continue reading book >>

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