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Action Front   By: (1878-1943)

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Action Front by Boyd Cable is an outstanding war novel that vividly captures the harsh realities and the relentless spirit of soldiers during World War I. The author, through his own first-hand experiences as a soldier, masterfully transports readers to the frontlines, immersing them in the chaos, fear, and camaraderie that defined this tumultuous period in history.

Set against the backdrop of the Western Front, Cable's narrative follows the journey of Private Tom Dodd, a young soldier who eagerly enlists in the army, driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect his country. From the opening pages, the author wastes no time in plunging readers headfirst into the unforgiving nature of war. The vivid descriptions and meticulous attention to detail create an intensely realistic portrayal of the hardships endured by soldiers.

What sets Action Front apart from other war novels is the depth with which Cable explores the psychological toll of battle. Through the eyes of Tom Dodd, readers witness the trauma, fear, and despair that war inflicts upon the human psyche. The author skillfully depicts the internal struggles of the characters, grappling with their own mortality and the morality of war. This introspective aspect adds a layer of introspection rarely seen in such narratives, making it both emotionally powerful and thought-provoking.

Action Front also excels in its portrayal of the bonds forged between soldiers. The camaraderie and loyalty that develop among the characters provide a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos and devastation of war. Cable demonstrates the unwavering support soldiers had for one another, showcasing the incredible strength and resilience that can emerge from the darkest of circumstances. This aspect of the novel serves as a reminder of the humanity that persists even in the midst of inhumanity.

Cable's writing style is simple yet evocative, allowing readers to effortlessly become fully engrossed in the story. His prose is concise and focused, driving the narrative forward without unnecessary distractions. The authenticity of his voice as a soldier adds credibility to his storytelling and further immerses readers in the tale.

While Action Front is undeniably a powerful war novel, it should be noted that it does contain graphic descriptions of violence and wartime horrors. However, these depictions serve to underscore the true cost of war, leaving a lasting impact on readers.

In conclusion, Action Front by Boyd Cable is an extraordinary war novel that transports readers to the battlefields of World War I, vividly portraying the realities of war while exploring the resilience of the human spirit. With its unforgettable characters, emotional depth, and authentic storytelling, this novel is a must-read for those seeking a poignant and immersive war narrative.

First Page:







to whose recognition and appreciation of my work, and to whose instant and eager hospitality in the "Westminster Gazette" so much of these war writings is due, this book is very gratefully dedicated by



I make no apology for having followed in this book the same plan as in my other one, "Between the Lines," of taking extracts from the official despatches as "texts" and endeavoring to show something of what these brief messages cover, because so many of my own friends, and so many more unknown friends amongst the reviewers, expressed themselves so pleased with the plan that I feel its repetition is justified.

There were some who complained that my last book was in parts too grim and too terrible, and no doubt the same complaint may lie against this one. To that I can only reply that I have found it impossible to write with any truth of the Front without the writing being grim, and in writing my other book I felt it would be no bad thing if Home realized the grimness a little better.

But now there are so many at Home whose nearest and dearest are in the trenches, and who require no telling of the horrors of the war, that I have tried here to show there is a lighter side to war, to let them know that we have our relaxations, and even find occasion for jests, in the course of our business... Continue reading book >>

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