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Bound to Rise   By: (1832-1899)

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Bound to Rise by Horatio Alger is a captivating tale that takes readers on a journey through the intricate web of American society during the late 19th century. Alger masterfully weaves together themes of ambition, perseverance, and the pursuit of the American Dream, making this novel a timeless classic.

The story follows the life of Richard Hunter, a likable and intelligent young man who demonstrates a relentless determination to rise above his humble beginnings. From the very beginning, readers are drawn into the hardships and challenges Hunter faces as he navigates a world filled with poverty, inequality, and corruption.

Alger's writing style is fluid and engrossing, effortlessly drawing the readers into the narrative. The characters are well-developed, each with their own unique personality and role in shaping Hunter's journey. Alger's ability to capture the essence of the time period is commendable, as he delves into the intricacies of class struggle and social mobility without ever resorting to heavy-handed moralizing.

Throughout the novel, Alger explores the idea of success being derived from hard work and moral integrity—an enduring theme still relevant in today's society. Hunter's unwavering determination to improve his circumstances resonates with readers, reminding us that with enough perseverance, anyone can overcome the obstacles that life throws our way.

Bound to Rise is a thought-provoking and inspiring novel that transcends its era. Alger's exploration of the American Dream and the challenges faced by those striving for success strikes a chord with readers of all ages. The book serves as both a reminder of the limitless possibilities that lie within our reach and a cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to the temptations of easy wealth and social advancement.

Overall, Bound to Rise is a must-read for lovers of classic literature and those interested in understanding the American experience. Alger's timeless storytelling and poignant themes make this a book that will leave a lasting impact on its readers, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and never give up, no matter the obstacles that lie in their path.

First Page:



By Horatio Alger, Jr.




Horatio Alger, Jr., an author who lived among and for boys and himself remained a boy in heart and association till death, was born at Revere, Mass., January 18, 1884. He was the son of a clergyman; was graduated at Harvard College in 1852, and at its Divinity School in 1860; and was pastor of the Unitarian Church at Brewster, Mass., in 1862 66. In the latter year he settled in New York and began drawing public attention to the condition and needs of street boys. He mingled with them, gained their confidence, showed a personal concern in their affairs, and stimulated them to honest and useful living. With his first story he won the hearts of all red blooded boys every where, and of the seventy or more that followed over a million copies were sold during the author's lifetime.

In his later life he was in appearance a short, stout, bald headed man, with cordial manners and whimsical views of things that amused all who met him. He died at Natick, Mass., July 18, 1899.

Mr. Alger's stories are as popular now as when first published, because they treat of real live boys who were always up and about just like the boys found everywhere to day... Continue reading book >>

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