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舊唐書   By: (887-946)

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"舊唐書" by Xu Liu is a comprehensive and detailed account of the Tang Dynasty in ancient China. The author delves into the political, social, and cultural aspects of this golden age, providing readers with a wealth of information about the rulers, courtiers, and everyday people of the time.

One of the strengths of this book is the meticulous research that went into its creation. Xu Liu pulls from a variety of historical sources to paint a vivid picture of Tang society, from the grand imperial court to the bustling city streets. The result is a fascinating and well-rounded look at this influential period in Chinese history.

However, the sheer volume of information presented in "舊唐書" can be overwhelming at times. Readers may find themselves getting lost in the details or struggling to keep track of the numerous names and events that are mentioned. Additionally, the writing style can be a bit dry and academic, which may not be to everyone's taste.

Overall, "舊唐書" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Tang Dynasty. While it may not be the most accessible or engaging read, it offers a wealth of knowledge and insight into this important period of Chinese history.

First Page:

舊唐書捲一 本紀第一 高祖   高祖神堯大聖大光孝皇帝姓李氏,諱淵。其先隴西狄道人,涼武昭王暠七代孫也。 暠生歆。歆生重耳,仕魏為弘農太守。重耳生熙,為金門鎮將,領豪傑鎮武川,因家焉 。儀鳳中,追尊宣皇帝。熙生天錫,仕魏為幢主。大統中,贈司空。儀鳳中,追尊光皇 帝。皇祖諱虎,後魏左僕射,封隴西郡公,與周文帝及太保李弼、大司馬獨孤信等以功 參佐命,當時稱為「八柱國家」,仍賜姓大野氏。周受禪,追封唐國公,諡曰襄。至隋 文帝作相,還複本姓。武德初,追尊景皇帝,廟號太祖,陵曰永康。皇考諱?,周安州 總管、柱國大將軍,襲唐國公,諡曰仁。武德初,追尊元皇帝,廟號世祖,陵曰興寧。   高祖以周天和元年生於長安,七歲襲唐國公。及長,倜儻豁達,任性真率,寬仁容 眾,無貴賤鹹得其歡心。隋受禪,補千牛備身。文帝獨孤皇后,即高祖從母也,由是特 見親愛,累轉譙、隴、岐三州刺史。有史世良者,善相人,謂高祖曰:「公骨法非常, 必為人主,願自愛,勿忘鄙言。」高祖頗以自負。大業初,為滎陽、樓煩二郡太守,徵 為殿內少監。九... Continue reading book >>

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