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Dick Leslie's Luck A Story of Shipwreck and Adventure   By: (1851-1922)

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Dick Leslie's Luck is an enthralling tale of shipwreck and adventure written by Harry Collingwood. Set in the late 19th century, this gripping novel takes readers on an exhilarating journey across treacherous seas and uncharted territories.

The story follows our protagonist, Dick Leslie, a young sailor aboard the Wasp, a sturdy and well-respected vessel. As fate would have it, a catastrophic storm sends the ship crashing upon the rocks of an unknown island, leaving Dick and his crewmates stranded, battling for survival.

Collingwood's masterful storytelling immediately draws readers into a world filled with danger and uncertainty. He vividly describes the gruesome shipwreck scene, effectively evoking the tumultuous emotions of the characters. The sense of vulnerability is palpable, and readers cannot help but empathize with Dick's plight.

What sets Dick Leslie's Luck apart from other adventure novels is its attention to detail and meticulous portrayal of survival strategies. Collingwood's extensive research is evident as he presents a wealth of nautical knowledge, offering readers a glimpse into the challenging world of seafaring. From building makeshift shelters to hunting for food, every aspect of survival is meticulously described, creating a believable and immersive experience.

As the narrative progresses, Dick and his fellow survivors encounter a host of extraordinary challenges. From encounters with aboriginal tribes to facing dangerous wildlife, the story takes unforeseen twists at every turn. Collingwood's ability to seamlessly weave suspense and excitement into the story is truly commendable, leaving readers constantly on the edge of their seats.

Additionally, the characters in Dick Leslie's Luck are well-developed and multi-dimensional. Dick himself emerges as a resilient and resourceful young man, taking charge of the situation with intelligence and bravery. His courage and determination provide inspiration throughout the narrative, making him a relatable and likable protagonist.

Despite its strengths, the novel does have some shortcomings. The pacing, at times, feels uneven, with certain sections dragging on while others rush by too quickly. Additionally, a few plot developments feel contrived, pushing the boundaries of believability.

In conclusion, Dick Leslie's Luck is a thrilling adventure novel that will captivate readers with its realistic portrayal of survival and its imaginative twists and turns. Collingwood's rich descriptions, well-developed characters, and attention to detail make this a must-read for fans of the genre. Though it may have its flaws, it remains an enthralling piece of maritime literature that lingers in the reader's mind long after the final page is turned.

First Page:

Dick Leslie's Luck, by Harry Collingwood.



The night was as dark as the inside of a cow! Mr Pryce, the chief mate of the full rigged sailing ship Golden Fleece outward bound to Melbourne was responsible for this picturesque assertion; and one had only to glance for a moment into the obscurity that surrounded the ship to acknowledge the truth of it.

For, to begin with, it was four bells in the first watch that is to say, ten o'clock p.m.; then it also happened to be the date of the new moon; and, finally, the ship was just then enveloped in a fog so dense that, standing against the bulwarks on one side of the deck, it was impossible to see across to the opposite rail. It was Mr Pryce's watch; but the skipper Captain Rainhill was also on deck; and together the pair assiduously promenaded the poop, to and fro, pausing for a moment to listen and peer anxiously into the thickness to windward every time that they reached the break of the poop at one end of their walk, and the stern grating at the other.

Now, a dark and foggy night at sea is an anxious time for a skipper; but the anxiety is multiplied tenfold when, as in the present case, the skipper is responsible not only for the safety of a valuable ship and cargo, but also for many human lives... Continue reading book >>

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