In the second installment of Felix Dahn's "Ein Kampf um Rom" series, readers are once again taken on a thrilling journey through the tumultuous political landscape of ancient Rome. The story picks up right where the first book left off, with tensions running high as various factions vie for power and control.
The characters are just as compelling as in the first book, with Dahn weaving a complex web of relationships and motivations that keep readers guessing until the very end. From the noble Julius to the cunning and ambitious Alarich, each character is given depth and dimension, making them feel like real people struggling to navigate the dangerous waters of Roman politics.
Dahn's writing is as engaging as ever, with vivid descriptions and fast-paced action that keep the story moving along at a brisk pace. The political intrigue and power struggles are expertly handled, adding a layer of complexity to the story that will appeal to fans of historical fiction.
Overall, "Ein Kampf um Rom: Zweiter Band" is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a gripping tale of political intrigue, betrayal, and power struggles set in the heart of ancient Rome. Felix Dahn has once again proven himself to be a master storyteller, and I can't wait to see where the next installment of this series will take us.
First Page:
Ein Kampf um Rom. Historischer Roman
Felix Dahn.
Motto: »Wenn etwas ist, gewalt'ger als das Schicksal So ist's der Mut, der's unerschüttert trägt« Geibel.
Zweiter Band.
48. Auflage.
Leipzig, Druck und Verlag von Breitkopf und Härtel. 1906.
Alle Rechte, insbesondere das der Übersetzung, vorbehalten.
Fünftes Buch. Witichis. Erste Abteilung. Erstes Kapitel. Zweites Kapitel. Drittes Kapitel. Viertes Kapitel. Fünftes Kapitel. Sechstes Kapitel. Siebentes Kapitel. Achtes Kapitel. Neuntes Kapitel. Zehntes Kapitel. Elftes Kapitel. Zwölftes Kapitel. Dreizehntes Kapitel. Vierzehntes Kapitel. Fünfzehntes Kapitel. Sechzehntes Kapitel. Siebzehntes Kapitel. Achtzehntes Kapitel. Fünftes Buch. Witichis. Zweite Abteilung. Erstes Kapitel. Zweites Kapitel. Drittes Kapitel. Viertes Kapitel. Fünftes Kapitel. Sechstes Kapitel. Siebentes Kapitel. Achtes Kapitel. Neuntes Kapitel... Continue reading book >>