"Mr. Wicker's Window" is a captivating and thrilling tale of a young girl named Alicia who stumbles upon a mysterious antique shop hidden in her small town. The owner, Mr. Wicker, offers her a job as his assistant and introduces her to a world of magic and dark secrets.
The writing style is engaging and immersive, drawing readers in with vivid descriptions and a sense of mystery that lingers throughout the story. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy to root for Alicia as she uncovers the truth about Mr. Wicker and his connection to the supernatural forces at work in the shop.
Dawson expertly weaves elements of fantasy, horror, and coming-of-age themes into a seamless and intriguing narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is brisk, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the plot moving forward and the reader guessing until the very end.
Overall, "Mr. Wicker's Window" is a fantastic read for fans of supernatural fiction and young adult literature. Dawson's storytelling prowess shines through in this gripping and enchanting tale of magic and mystery.
Book Description:
When Christopher Mason walked into Mr. Wicker's antique shop, he had no idea he would soon be embarking on a marvellous journey to China to find a wonderful tree made of jewels. He had no idea that Mr. Wicker was a magician and could travel through time. And that the tree was sought by others, not least among them the murderous Claggett Chew, a merchant in port and a pirate on the high seas, who also had knowledge of magic. But before Chris succeeded in quest, he would know of all these things and more. And of Mr. Wicker's friends, the sailor Ned Cilley, Becky Boozer, and the African boy Amos, changed from wood to flesh. And Christopher Mason would never be same, after. (Introduction by Arthur Piantadosi)