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Philippine Folk-Tales   By:

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Philippine Folk-Tales by Fletcher Gardner offers readers a captivating journey into the rich tapestry of Philippine folklore. From myths and legends to magical creatures and enchanting tales, this collection beautifully preserves the country's unique cultural heritage.

One of the book's strengths lies in its comprehensive selection of stories, which spans across the archipelago. Through these narratives, readers are transported to different regions, experiencing the diverse beliefs and traditions of the Filipino people. The author's meticulous research and attention to detail shine through, presenting readers with a truly immersive reading experience.

Gardner's storytelling is both skillful and engaging, capturing the essence of each story while ensuring their accessibility to a wider audience. The tales are imbued with a sense of wonder and magic, evoking a genuine connection to the cultural roots of the Philippines. Additionally, the author's inclusion of footnotes to explain certain cultural references or unfamiliar terms provides valuable context for readers unfamiliar with Philippine folklore.

The illustrations in this book are another standout feature. Beautifully rendered and thoughtfully incorporated throughout, they bring the stories to life, further enhancing the reader's engagement. These illustrations not only serve as visually stunning additions but also add depth to the narratives, effectively complementing Gardner's vivid storytelling.

While the book predominantly focuses on the fantastical and supernatural elements of Philippine folklore, it also offers glimpses into the customs, values, and traditions of the Filipino people. These glimpses help contextualize the stories, providing valuable insights into the culture that birthed them.

However, it is worth noting that the language used in the book may be challenging for younger readers or those unfamiliar with Philippine culture. The inclusion of a glossary or brief explanations preceding each story could have enhanced accessibility and comprehension for a wider audience.

In conclusion, Philippine Folk-Tales by Fletcher Gardner is a captivating and comprehensive collection that successfully preserves and celebrates the captivating folklore of the Philippines. Gardner's storytelling, combined with beautiful illustrations, allows readers to immerse themselves in the magical world of mythical creatures, heroes, and legends. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the cultural heritage of the Philippines through its captivating folklore.

First Page:

This etext contains four articles that appeared in the "Journal of American Folk Lore" (JAFL), all related to folklore in the Philippines.

1. "Philippine Folk Tales," Clara Kern Bayliss, JAFL 15 : 46 53.

2. "Visayan Folk Tales," Berton L. Maxfield and W. H. Millington, JAFL 19 : 97 112; JAFL 20 : 89 103; JAFL 20 : 311 318.

3. "Tagalog Folk Tales," Fletcher Gardner, JAFL 20 : 104 120; 20 : 300 310.

(including two shorter articles, 4. "A Filipino (Tagalog) Version of Aladdin" and 5. "Some Games of Filipino Children" by the same author.)

6. "Bagobo Myths," Laura Watson Benedict, JAFL 26 : 13 63.

All are in the public domain.

The multipart articles are joined together.

This etext has been produced by Jeroen Hellingman


Philippine Folk Tales.

The Monkey and the Turtle. How the Farmer Deceived the Demon. Benito, the Faithful Servant.

Visayan Folk Tales.

Introduction. How Jackyo Became Rich. Truth and Falsehood. Camanla and Parotpot. Juan, the Student. The Two Wives and the Witch. The Living Head. Juan Pusong. The Enchanted Ring. The Enchanted Shell. The Three Brothers. The Datto Somacuel. Magbolotó. Why Dogs Wag Their Tails. The Eagle and the Hen. The Spider and the Fly. The Battle of the Crabs. The Meeting of the Plants... Continue reading book >>

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