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Wu De Ji   By:

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"Wu De Ji" by Guang Wei Liu is a beautifully written novel that transports readers to the chaotic and gripping world of ancient China. The author expertly captures the complexities of the time period, from political intrigue to personal struggles, making for a compelling and engaging read.

The characters in the novel are richly developed and come to life on the page, each with their own motivations and secrets. The protagonist, Wu De Ji, is a strong and determined character who faces numerous challenges and obstacles throughout the story. His journey is both heartbreaking and inspiring, and readers will find themselves rooting for him until the very end.

The plot is full of twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they follow Wu De Ji's journey. The pacing of the novel is excellent, with just the right balance of action, drama, and character development. The writing style is elegant and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of ancient China and immersing readers in the world of the novel.

Overall, "Wu De Ji" is a captivating and enthralling read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and epic sagas. Guang Wei Liu has crafted a masterpiece that is both compelling and thought-provoking, and I highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for a gripping and immersive reading experience.

First Page:

  按《史記》及《吳越春秋》,自禹治水已後,分定九州。《禹貢》揚州之域,吳國 四至:東亘滄溟,西連荊郢,南括越表,北臨大江,蓋吳國之本界也。今郡在京師東 南[1]三千一百九十里,當磨蝎斗女之位列,婺女星之分野。從秦始皇并吞六國之後, 至漢順帝永建四年,有山陰縣人殷重,獻策於帝,請分江置兩浙,詔司空王襲封,從 錢唐江中分,向東為會稽郡,向西為吳郡。至陳朝貞明元年,改為吳州。隋文帝開皇 九年,改郡邑至橫山東,新立城郭;一本云:「隋開皇十三年,改為蘇州。」唐武德七年, 移新州,却復舊址,升為望,管縣七,鄉一百九十四,戶一十四萬三一本作「二」。千 二一本作「三」。百六十一。兩稅茶鹽酒等錢六十九萬二千八百八十五貫七十六文。   吳縣九萬九一本作「七」。千九百六十三貫三百七十三一本無「三」字。文;   長洲縣九萬八千五百七十六貫五百七十六文;   嘉興縣一十七萬八千七十六貫一百二十文;   昆山縣一十萬九千五百三貫七百三十八文;   常熟縣九萬七百五十貫七百七十四一本無「四」字。文;   華亭縣七萬... Continue reading book >>

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