Bad Day For Vermin by Keith Laumer is a thrilling science fiction novel that follows the story of an alien intelligence agent named Retief, who is tasked with negotiating peace agreements between different planets in a galactic federation. However, things take a turn for the worse when he is captured by a group of hostile aliens known as the Yill.
The novel is fast-paced and action-packed, with plenty of plot twists and turns to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Laumer does a fantastic job of world-building, creating a vivid and immersive universe filled with unique alien species and complex political dynamics.
One of the standout aspects of the book is the character of Retief himself. He is a resourceful and cunning protagonist who always manages to find a way out of sticky situations, making him a joy to follow on his adventures. The interactions between Retief and the various alien species he encounters are also a highlight, providing plenty of humor and insight into the different cultures within the galactic federation.
Overall, Bad Day For Vermin is a gripping and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of science fiction and adventure. Laumer's writing is engaging and captivating, making this a book that is hard to put down once you start reading.
Book Description:
For your listening pleasure, here are three stories by the ingenious Keith Laumer from the glorious days of Science Fiction in the early 1960s: A Bad Day for Vermin, The King of the City and Doorstep. They were all published in various Science Fiction magazines then flourishing in the United States at that time. I won't spoil your fun of listening to them by giving detailed story outlines, but be assured that there are aliens of various disgusting and/or beautiful shapes involved in several and a sad view of our future life when the US government collapses.