Bullet for Cinderella is a gripping thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The story follows a young woman named Chelle who is suffering from amnesia after a traumatic event. As her memories begin to resurface, she realizes that she is in grave danger and must piece together the puzzle of her past in order to survive.
John D MacDonald's writing is both captivating and suspenseful, drawing the reader in with his vivid descriptions and well-developed characters. The plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep you guessing until the very end. Chelle is a strong and resourceful protagonist, and it's satisfying to see her take control of her own destiny as she unravels the mysteries surrounding her.
Overall, Bullet for Cinderella is a thrilling and intense read that will leave you breathless. MacDonald's masterful storytelling and tight pacing make this novel a must-read for fans of suspense and mystery. Highly recommended.
Book Description:
But one look and you knew that Toni Raselle's instincts were straight out of the river shack she came from.
I watched her as she toyed with the man, laughing, her tumbled hair like raw blue-black silk, her brown shoulders bare. Eyes deep-set, a girl with a gypsy look.
So this was the girl I had risked my life to find. This was the girl who was going to lead me to a buried fortune in stolen loot.