Astounding Stories 17, May 1931 is a thrilling collection of science fiction stories that will captivate readers with its imaginative plots and vivid world-building. Arthur L. Zagat's writing is engaging and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, anxious to see what happens next.
The stories in this issue cover a range of themes, from space travel to advanced technology to encounters with alien species. Each story is unique and well-crafted, with interesting characters and creative concepts that will appeal to fans of the genre.
One standout story in this issue is "The Polar Doom" by Captain S. P. Meek, which follows a group of explorers as they face off against a deadly threat in the Arctic. The tension and suspense in this story are palpable, making it a thoroughly enjoyable read.
Overall, Astounding Stories 17, May 1931 is a must-read for fans of classic science fiction. With its fast-paced stories and imaginative premises, this collection is sure to entertain and inspire readers of all ages.
Book Description:
This issue of the science-fiction magazine includes a novella by Charles W. Diffin titled "Dark Moon" and several short stories, including "When Caverns Yawned", by Captain S.P. Meek "When the Moon Turned Green", by Hal K. Wells and "The Death-Cloud." by Nat Schachner & Arthur L. Zagat There is also a second part of "The Exile of Time" by Ray Cummings.