Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo is a powerful and poignant novella that follows the story of a young man named Claude who is sentenced to hard labor for stealing to provide for his family. Through Claude's character, Hugo sheds light on the injustices and inequalities in society, as well as the brutal conditions of the prison system in the 19th century.
The story is written in a straightforward and compelling manner, drawing the reader into Claude's world and his struggles to survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment. The character of Claude is sympathetic and relatable, making the reader root for him despite his criminal actions.
Hugo's writing is emotive and evocative, painting a vivid picture of the social injustices and hardships faced by the lower class. The novella raises important questions about poverty, crime, and the responsibility of society to care for its most vulnerable members.
Overall, Claude Gueux is a thought-provoking and gripping read that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. It is a testament to Hugo's skill as a storyteller and his commitment to social justice.
Book Description:
Victor Hugo raconte dans ce court récit l’histoire de Claude Gueux, incarcéré pour vol, devenu meutrier en prison, puis exécuté. En annexe, deux chapitres sur l’historique du vrai Claude Gueux, rédigés par l’éditeur Gustave Simon .