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By: (1836-1902)

Coyote by Bret Harte is a compelling and thought-provoking collection of short stories that provide a glimpse into the wild and untamed world of the American West. Harte's vivid descriptions and engaging characters draw the reader in, making for a truly immersive reading experience.

Each story in Coyote offers a unique perspective on life in the West, touching on themes of love, betrayal, and survival. The author's exploration of human nature and the struggle for power and control is both poignant and thought-provoking, resonating with readers long after they have finished the book.

Harte's writing style is both poetic and gripping, effortlessly capturing the essence of the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the frontier. The stories are filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader on the edge of their seat, eager to see what will happen next.

Overall, Coyote is a masterfully crafted collection of stories that transport readers to a time and place unlike any other. Bret Harte's skillful storytelling and keen insight make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history and culture of the American West.

Book Description:
"He went with his widowed mother to California in 1854, and was thrown as a young man into the hurly-burly which he more than any other writer has made real to distant and later people. He was by turns a miner, school-teacher, express messenger, printer, and journalist. The types which live again in his pages are thus not only what he observed, but what he himself impersonated in his own experience." (from the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (introduction to) COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS By Bret Harte

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