"Alter Afrikaner" by Johannes Dose is a captivating read that delves into the complex history and identity of the Afrikaner people. Dose skillfully weaves together personal narratives, historical accounts, and cultural analysis to paint a multifaceted picture of this diverse and often misunderstood community.
One of the book's greatest strengths is Dose's ability to present the Afrikaner experience in all its richness and nuance. He does not shy away from addressing difficult topics such as apartheid and its legacy, but also highlights the resilience, creativity, and unique cultural contributions of the Afrikaner people.
Dose's writing is engaging and thought-provoking, inviting readers to reconsider their preconceived notions about the Afrikaner community. His deep respect for his subjects is apparent throughout the book, making it clear that his goal is not to pass judgment, but rather to foster understanding and empathy.
Overall, "Alter Afrikaner" is a thought-provoking and enlightening read that sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of South African history and culture. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about the Afrikaner people and the complexities of identity in a diverse society.
Book Description:
Erb von Erbenheim, missratener Sohn, unehrenhaft entlassener Offizier, des Diebstahls bezichtigter Büroangestellter und verurteilter Sträfling wird als Umerziehungsmaßnahme zum bärbeißigen Onkel in die Afrikanische Kolonie geschickt, wo er sich mit diesem auf der Jagd nach Gold und Elfenbein, diversen Kannibalen, hinterlistigen Eingeborenen, Kriegswirren und tückischen Krankheiten herumschlagen muss. Erb versucht dadurch, seinen Namen reinzuwaschen. Dabei erwächst ihn ihm langsam die Liebe und der Respekt zu diesem wild-schönen Kontinent und seinen vielschichtigen Bewohnern!
Abenteuerroman aus der deutschen Kolonialzeit in Afrika, spannend kurzweilig a la Karl May. ( Zusammenfassung von crowwings)