Haru no Ushio by Sachio Itō is a mesmerizing novel that takes readers on a journey through the changing seasons of rural Japan. With vivid descriptions and poetic prose, Itō captures the beauty and tranquility of the countryside, painting a vivid picture of a simpler way of life.
The story follows the protagonist, a young fisherman named Kazuo, as he navigates the challenges of love, loss, and self-discovery. Through his eyes, we see the intricate relationships between man and nature, and the delicate balance that exists between the two.
Itō's writing is evocative and lyrical, drawing readers into the world of the novel and immersing them in its sights, sounds, and emotions. The characters are richly drawn and complex, each with their own struggles and desires.
Overall, Haru no Ushio is a deeply moving and beautifully written novel that explores themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. It is a poignant meditation on the human experience and a testament to the power of storytelling. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant read.
Book Description:
This is a succeeding story to 'Tonari no Yome' (The neighbor's wife). Otoyo (the neighbor's wife) left the neighbor and returned to her parents' home. Syosaku (the hero) also returns from the family he married into. They can't give up each other. Finally they are allowed to marry. Syosaku goes to Tokyo to get a job. Otoyo will wait for 2 years.