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guerras ibéricas

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Guerras Ibéricas, written by Appian of Alexandria, is a comprehensive historical account of the conflicts between the Roman Empire and the Iberian peoples during the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE. The author delves into the political, social, and military aspects of these wars, providing readers with a detailed and engaging narrative.

Appian's writing style is clear and informative, making the complex events easy to follow. He incorporates a variety of primary sources, such as official reports and personal accounts, to provide a well-rounded perspective on the conflicts. Additionally, his analysis of the strategies and tactics employed by both sides offers valuable insight into the military history of the region.

One of the strengths of Guerras Ibéricas is its balanced approach to the subject matter. While Appian clearly sympathizes with the Roman perspective, he also acknowledges the resilience and ingenuity of the Iberian peoples. This nuanced portrayal of both sides adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making it a compelling read for history enthusiasts.

Overall, Guerras Ibéricas is a well-researched and engaging account of a significant period in ancient history. Appian's attention to detail, thorough research, and insightful analysis make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Book Description:
El historiador Apiano dedica el volumen VI de su "Historia romana" al prolongado y cruento proceso de conquista de los pueblos que habitaban la Península Ibérica. Roma necesitó 200 años para derrotarlos o incorporarlos al imperio en comparación con los 8 años que Julio César necesitó para conquistar toda la Galia. La obra narra los episodios de la guerra contra Cartago y sus aliados íberos, posteriormente las guerras contra distintos pueblos celtiberos: lusones, vacceos, lusitanos..., con protagonistas y escenarios tan conocidos como Escipión el Africano, Aníbal Barca, Viriato, Cartago Nova o Numancia entre otros.

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