Love Insurance is a humorous and charming tale that follows the adventures of a wealthy playboy who sets out to win the heart of a beautiful young woman by taking out a policy to insure his love for her. The story is filled with witty dialogue, delightful characters, and unexpected twists and turns that keep readers engaged from start to finish.
Biggers' writing style is engaging and entertaining, with a mix of light-hearted humor and poignant moments that tug at the heartstrings. The protagonist is a lovable scoundrel who is both endearing and exasperating, making him a complex and interesting character that readers can't help but root for.
The plot is fast-paced and full of surprises, as the playboy's attempts to woo the object of his affection are thwarted by various misadventures and misunderstandings. The supporting characters add depth and richness to the story, providing humor and insight into the dynamics of love and relationships.
Overall, Love Insurance is a delightful and entertaining read that is sure to appeal to fans of romantic comedies and light-hearted fiction. Biggers has crafted a charming and whimsical story that is perfect for a cozy night in with a cup of tea and a good book.
Book Description:
On duty with Lloyds of London in NYC, young Richard Minot is sent to the St Augustine-ish town of San Marco to ensure that a wealthy young lady, Cynthia Meyrick marry his firm's client, Lord Harrowby. Then, in a meet-cute on a slow-moving train, Minot meets the very enticing Miss Meyrick and... reconsiders his duty. - Summary by Matt Pierard