By: Avery Hopwood (1882-1928)
In this gripping drama by Avery Hopwood, the tensions and conflicts between social classes are brought vividly to life. The story follows the struggling playwright Roy Brooks as he navigates his way through the cutthroat world of New York City theater in the 1920s. As he fights against the powerful forces working against him, he is forced to make difficult choices that will affect not only his career, but also his relationships with those closest to him.
Hopwood expertly crafts a narrative that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. The characters are well-developed and complex, each grappling with their own desires and motivations. The dialogue is sharp and engaging, drawing the reader in and keeping them captivated until the very end.
Overall, Bat (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) is a compelling read that explores themes of ambition, sacrifice, and the price of success. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a riveting drama filled with memorable characters and powerful storytelling. Book Description: A Mysterious killer—Man? Beast? Or devil?—spreading terror throughout a nation, flouting law and lawless alike … Curious GOINGS-ON in a house rented immediately upon the death of its owner … A WARNING to leave the house, underlined with threats of death … A SHADOW bearing one gleaming eye [ … ] Wouldn’t You Like to Know – What happens when the indomitable Miss Van Gorder refuses to be frightened from the house of murder? What nerve-shaking word is spelled out by the Ouija board? [ … ] Who is the stranger who arrives half dead? Who is the Bat?” ~ from the ad in the book. Originally published in 1926, Rinehart's entertaining mystery offers suspense and humor, and you will see evidence of that era's Asian xenophobia and Prohibition in the United States. Cast ListNarrator: Lynette Caulkins
Police Chief: JT
Millionaire: Kelly Taylor
Young Detective: Johan Supertramp
Underworld Voice: TJ Burns
City News Editor: Kirk202
News Editor Colleague: Linette
Detective Anderson: Scott Caulkins
Cornelia Van Gorder: Ciufi Galeazzi
Doctor Wells: Chris Pyle
Sally Ogden: Leanne Yau
Lizzie Allen: Jennifer Pratt
Dale Ogden: Shelly
Billy: Todd
Brooks: Patrick Glenn
Richard Fleming: EJ Wiley
Reginald Beresford: Adam Bielka
Unknown: Tommy Hersant