Candle and the Cat by Mary Finley Leonard is a heartwarming story about a young girl named Candle who forms an unlikely friendship with a stray cat. The author does a wonderful job of capturing the innocence and curiosity of childhood, as well as the bond that can form between a child and a pet.
The writing is simple and accessible, making it a great read for children of all ages. The illustrations are charming and add a whimsical touch to the story. The message of friendship and empathy towards animals is clear throughout the book, making it both entertaining and educational.
Overall, Candle and the Cat is a delightful read that will resonate with animal lovers and those who believe in the power of friendship. I highly recommend this book to parents looking for a heartwarming story to share with their children.
Book Description:
"To the memory of TROLLEY, This little story is dedicated."
When young Caro goes to stay with her Aunt and Grandfather, the seminary president, she learns to not be afraid of the dark and to "be a candle" by "sharing her light" with the help of Trolley the cat. In doing so, she is able to help others, including a reclusive invalid, renew their old friendships.
- Summary by JHedrick