By: Chinese Union Version
The Chinese Union Version of the New Testament, specifically the Gospel of John, is a beautifully translated and meticulously crafted work that presents the teachings of Jesus in a clear and concise manner. The language used in this version is both poetic and profound, making it a joy to read and reflect upon.
The Gospel of John is known for its deep theological insights and spiritual truths, and this version does an excellent job of capturing the essence of John's message. The chapters are organized in a way that allows readers to easily follow along with the narrative, making it accessible to both those new to the Bible and those who are more familiar with its teachings.
Overall, the Chinese Union Version of the New Testament, specifically the Gospel of John, is a truly exceptional work that offers readers a deeper understanding of Jesus' teachings and the significance of his life and ministry. It is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and grow in their knowledge of the Christian faith. Book Description: 現在稱為《和合本》的聖經,初稱《官話和合本》,用了清朝的慣用稱呼「官話」,至清末民國時期「官話」逐漸改稱「國語」,故此改名《國語和合本。因著《國語和合本》大為流行,成為教會唯一在用的和合譯本,現今簡稱為《和合本》。
上海在華傳教士大會中決議,翻譯用的原文底本是英國出版的《修訂版聖經》 所用的原文底本。Revised Version 又稱《英國修訂本》,其新約希臘文底本,是當時最新的 Westcott and Hort 。不過,據尤思德博士的研究,《和合本》的譯者在參考Westcott and Hort 之餘,有時卻用回古老的《公認經文》 ,即1611年出版的《英王詹姆斯譯本》 的底本。
The Chinese Union Version is the predominant translation of the Bible into Chinese used by Chinese Protestants, first published in 1919. The text is now available online. The CUV was translated by a panel with members from many different Protestant denominations, using the English Revised Version as a basis and original manuscripts for crosschecking. Work on the CUV began in 1890 and originally, three versions of the CUV were planned—two classical Chinese versions and a vernacular Mandarin Chinese version. The CUV was completed in 1919, with one amalgamated classical Chinese translation and one vernacular Mandarin translation. With the onset of May Fourth Movement, and the associated New Culture Movement, the CUV is the second translated work to be published in Vernacular Mandarin Chinese, after the first vernacular Chinese Bible, the Peking Committee Bible.
The CUV in use today is the vernacular Mandarin Chinese version, published in two slightly different editions—the Shen Edition and the Shangti Edition --differing in the way the word “God” is translated.