"The Hunting of the Snark" is a whimsical and nonsensical journey through a fantastical world where a group of characters embark on a quest to hunt a mysterious creature known as the Snark. Written by Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," this poem showcases his trademark wit and wordplay.
The characters in the poem are eccentric and quirky, each bringing their own unique personality to the group. From the Bellman, who leads the expedition with confidence and bravado, to the Baker, who constantly bemoans his lack of skills, each member of the crew adds to the hilarity and chaos of their exploration.
Throughout the journey, the group faces a series of absurd obstacles and challenges, leading to many moments of confusion and humor. Carroll's clever wordplay and inventive use of language create a sense of whimsy and nonsense that is sure to delight readers of all ages.
Overall, "The Hunting of the Snark" is a charming and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of Lewis Carroll's work and lovers of literary nonsense. With its delightful characters and playful storytelling, this poem is a delightful and enjoyable adventure that is sure to leave readers smiling.
Book Description:
The Hunting of the Snark is a poem written by English writer Lewis Carroll. It is typically categorised as a nonsense poem.
The plot follows a crew of ten trying to hunt the Snark, which may turn out to be a highly dangerous Boojum. The only one of the crew to find the Snark quickly vanishes, leading the narrator to explain that it was a Boojum after all. As you would expect! - Summary by Craig Franklin