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Tragedy of King Lear (version 3)

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By: (1564-1616)

The Tragedy of King Lear is a powerful tale that delves into themes of family, betrayal, and madness. The story follows the aging King Lear as he decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. However, when Cordelia refuses to flatter her father like her sisters, Lear banishes her and soon descends into madness as his daughters turn against him.

Shakespeare masterfully weaves together complex characters and intricate plots to create a tragic and gripping tale. The relationships between Lear and his daughters are fraught with tension and manipulation, leading to devastating consequences for all involved. The fool, Kent, and Edgar provide additional layers of complexity and depth to the story, adding richness to the narrative.

The language and imagery in the play are rich and evocative, drawing the reader into the emotional turmoil of the characters. The themes of power, greed, and loyalty are explored with nuance and insight, making the play a timeless and resonant exploration of human nature.

Overall, The Tragedy of King Lear is a compelling and thought-provoking work that continues to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling and profound exploration of the human experience. Shakespeare's enduring legacy shines through in this masterful play, ensuring its place as a classic of literature.

Book Description:
Known for its heartrending emotion and shocking violence, The Tragedy of King Lear is seen as one of Shakespeare's towering masterpieces. It tells the tale of the ageing King Lear, a British monarch who disposes of his vast kingdom by giving bequests to his two eldest daughters when they flatter his vanity. Unbeknown to him, these daughters hide cold and unfeeling hearts; the only daughter truly worthy of his grace, Cordelia, is shunned and later exiled when she refuses to play her sisters' game. Lear's rash decision precipitates a series of events that all cascade into the realm of overbearing misery. Madness , torture, stormy weather, sibling rivalry and the threat of war are but some of the things you can expect from this extraordinary work, all brought about by a great man who falls from the heights of power due to a single moment of irrationality.And to perform it all? Three men and one woman , determined to give you a performance of this moving play that you will never forget. You thought you knew your Shakespeare? Well, think again! - Summary by Tomas Peter Cast list: Brad “Hamlet” Filippone: Narrator; Earl of Kent / Caius; Duke of Albany; King of France; Curan; Old Man; Captain; First Servant to Cornwall & French Messenger. Tomas Peter: Earl of Gloucester; Edmund; Goneril; Fool; Duke of Burgundy; Physician; Knight; Second Servant to Cornwall & Second Officer. Sonia: Regan; Edgar / Poor Tom; Cordelia; Oswald; Third Servant to Cornwall & First Officer. Craig Franklin: King Lear; Duke of Cornwall; Gentleman; Messenger & Herald.

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Reviewer: - March 30, 2017
Subject: King Lear
Good narrators except for Regan...don't know what effect she was trying to achieve...very irritating.

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