When the World Shook by H. Rider Haggard is an exciting adventure novel that follows the journey of three main characters who come across a mysterious island filled with danger and wonder. The story is well-paced and keeps readers engaged with its mix of action, suspense, and fantastical elements.
One of the strengths of the novel is its vivid descriptions of the island and its inhabitants. Haggard does a fantastic job of creating a rich and immersive world that feels both thrilling and mysterious. The characters are also well-developed and readers will find themselves rooting for them as they navigate the dangers of the island.
The plot of When the World Shook is filled with twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end. It's a classic tale of adventure that will appeal to fans of the genre and anyone looking for an entertaining and gripping read.
Overall, When the World Shook is a compelling and enjoyable novel that will transport readers to a world of adventure and excitement. Haggard's storytelling skills shine in this book, making it a must-read for fans of classic adventure fiction.
Book Description:
A fictional memoir of Humphrey Arbuthnot of Devonshire, we are taken on a voyage to the island of Orofena, in the South Seas, together with Bickley, the servant Bastin and the spaniel Tommy. It is a land of adventure and danger, the result of which eventually leads to the author's death. - Summary by Lynne Thompson