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History Books |
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By: William Makepeace Thayer (1820-1898) | |
The Printer Boy. Or How Benjamin Franklin Made His Mark. An Example for Youth. |
By: J. Ewing Ritchie (1820-1898) | |
East Anglia Personal Recollections and Historical Associations |
By: William Makepeace Thayer (1820-1898) | |
The Bobbin Boy or, How Nat Got His learning | |
By: John Cowper Powys (1872-1963) | |
Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations |
By: Lucy Aikin (1781-1864) | |
Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, Volumes I & II
Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth from a variety of sources within the monarch's court, compiled and interpreted by Lucy Aikin. |
By: Frederick George Scott (1861-1944) | |
The Great War As I Saw It |
By: George Washington (1732-1799) | |
Washington's Masonic Correspondence As Found among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress |
By: James McCrone Douie (1854-1935) | |
The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir |
By: Kelly Miller (1863-1939) | |
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights |
By: William Stebbing (1832-1926) | |
Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography |
By: Simon M. Dubnow (1860-1941) | |
Jewish History : an essay in the philosophy of history |
By: Rev. James MacCaffrey (1875-1935) | |
History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the French Revolution: Volume 1
This first volume of a two volume set traces the trials and triumphs of the Catholic Church during the period before the reformation up to the 19th century. The origins, causes and developments of the various protestant sects that were the fruit of the reformation are studied in depth, as well as the men, schools of thought and movements within and without the Church that influenced this important time period in Church history. |
By: Frances Trollope (1779-1863) | |
Domestic Manners of the Americans
Next to de Alexis de Tocquville's almost contemporary Democracy in America, Frances Trollope's work may be the most famous (or at least notorious) dissection of manners and morals of the United States. The work was a sensation on both sides of the Atlantic, and particularly in America, where Trollope was reviled as representing the worst of old world prejudices the new republic (though the criticism did nothing to hurt sales).Accompanied by a son and two daughters, Trollope lived in the United States... |
By: James Brendan Connolly (1868-1957) | |
The U-Boat Hunters
The author takes the listener on a tour of various ships used in WW1. He discusses the boats and the seamen who occupy them and their encounters with the German U-boats. It is a collection of short stories, each one complete, about them all. The author was also an Olympic athlete; winning a bronze, silver and gold medal in the Athens Olympics of 1896 and a silver in the Paris games of 1900. |
By: Frank Bird Linderman (1869-1938) | |
Indian Why Stories Sparks from War Eagle's Lodge-Fire |
By: Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin Marbot (1782-1854) | |
The Memoirs of General Baron De Marbot |
By: Theodore Andrea Cook (1867-1928) | |
The Story of Rouen |
By: Horatio Hale (1817-1896) | |
The Iroquois Book of Rites | |
Hiawatha and the Iroquois Confederation A Study in Anthropology |
By: James Orton (1830-1877) | |
The Andes and the Amazon
This book, with the subtitle "Across the Continent of South America" describes the scientific expedion of 1867 to the equatorial Andes and the Amazon. The route was from Guayaquil to Quito, over the Cordillera, through the forest to Napo, and, finally, on the Rio Napo to Pebas on the Maranon. Besides this record, the expedition - under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute - collected samples of rocks and plants, and numerous specimen of animals. The scientists also compiled a vocabulary of local languages and produced a new map of equatorial America... |
By: Z. F. (Zachariah Frederick) Smith (1827-1911) | |
The Battle of New Orleans including the Previous Engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians and the Spanish which led to the Final Conflict on the 8th of January, 1815 |
By: Nikolaj Velimirović (1880-1956) | |
Serbia in Light and Darkness With Preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury, (1916) |
By: Justin McCarthy (1830-1912) | |
History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume 3
In Volume III of this series on the Hanoverian Kings, Justin McCarthy is joined by his son, Justin Hartly McCarthy, a liberal Irish MP like his father. Together they bring to life, poor stubborn George III, the outrageous radical, John Wilkes, the rebellious American Colonies, great-hearted Charles James Fox, the Gordon Riots which set London ablaze, Edmund Burke, Britain's problematic Indian policy, and the brave, enigmatic Younger Pitt, who faced national fears of the spread of revolution across the Channel from France and then confronted the imminent threat of invasion by the armies of Napoleon. |
By: Justin H. (Justin Huntly) McCarthy (1860-1936) | |
The Duke's Motto A Melodrama |
By: William Henry Johnson (1845-1907) | |
French Pathfinders in North America |
By: Annie Lash Jester | |
Domestic Life in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century |
By: Sami Khalaf Hamarneh (1925-) | |
History of the Division of Medical Sciences United States National Museum Bulletin 240, Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology, paper 43, 1964 |
By: Brander Matthews (1852-1929) | |
Inquiries and Opinions |
By: Albert Bushnell Hart (1854-1943) | |
The Mentor: The War of 1812 Volume 4, Number 3, Serial Number 103; 15 March, 1916. |
By: Alexander Johnston (1849-1889) | |
American Eloquence, Volume 1 Studies In American Political History (1896) |
By: Albert Bushnell Hart (1854-1943) | |
Formation of the Union, 1750-1829 |
By: Ellen Churchill Semple | |
Influences of Geographic Environment
INFLUENCES OF GEOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT ON THE BASIS OF RATZEL'S SYSTEM OF ANTHROPO-GEOGRAPHY BY ELLEN CHURCHILL SEMPLE PREFACE The present book, as originally planned over seven years ago, was to be a simplified paraphrase or restatement of the principles embodied in Friedrich Ratzel's _Anthropo-Geographie_. The German work is difficult reading even for Germans. To most English and American students of geographic environment it is a closed book, a treasure-house bolted and barred. Ratzel himself realized that any English form could not be a literal translation, but must be adapted to the Anglo-Celtic and especially to the Anglo-American mind... |
By: W. Basil Worsfold (1858-1939) | |
A Visit to Java With an Account of the Founding of Singapore | |
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902 |
By: Harold Begbie (1871-1929) | |
The Story of Baden-Powell 'The Wolf That Never Sleeps' |
By: Anna Jameson (1794-1860) | |
The Diary of an Ennuyée |
By: Gerald Stanley Lee (1862-1944) | |
The Ghost in the White House |
By: Madeline Leslie (1815-1893) | |
Minnie's Pet Cat | |
Minnie's Pet Horse | |
Minnie's Pet Dog | |
Minnie's Pet Parrot | |
Minnie's Pet Lamb | |
Minnie's Pet Monkey |
By: Anna Jameson (1794-1860) | |
Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical |
By: George W. T. (George William Thomson) Omond (1846-1929) | |
Peeps At Many Lands: Belgium |
By: J. P. (John Patterson) MacLean (1848-1939) | |
An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America |
By: Constantin-F. Volney (1757-1820) | |
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature |
By: Frank Fox (1874-1960) | |
Bulgaria | |
Peeps At Many Lands: Australia |
By: George W. T. (George William Thomson) Omond (1846-1929) | |
Bruges and West Flanders |
By: Edward Potts Cheyney (1861-1947) | |
American Nation: a history — Volume 1: European Background of American History, 1300-1600 |
By: J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur (1735-1813) | |
Letters from an American Farmer |