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By: Emily Sarah Holt (1836-1893)

Book cover In Convent Walls The Story of the Despensers
Book cover The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
Book cover Mistress Margery
Book cover The Maidens' Lodge None of Self and All of Thee, (In the Reign of Queen Anne)
Book cover Joyce Morrell's Harvest The Annals of Selwick Hall
Book cover Robin Tremayne A Story of the Marian Persecution
Book cover Our Little Lady Six Hundred Years Ago

By: Emma Leslie

Book cover Hayslope Grange A Tale of the Civil War

By: Emma Look Scott (1858-)

Book cover How the Flag Became Old Glory

By: Emma Orczy (1865-1947)

Book cover The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel

Written by Baroness Orczy and first published in 1919, The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel is a sequel book to the classic adventure tale, The Scarlet Pimpernel. The book consists of eleven short stories about Sir Percy Blakeney’s exploits in rescuing various aristos and French citizens from the clutches of the guillotine. The stories which are listed below, are set in 1793 but appear in no particular order. They occasionally refer to events in other books in the series.

By: Emmett J. Scott (1873-1957)

Book cover Booker T. Washington Builder of a Civilization
Book cover Negro Migration during the War

By: England and Wales. Sovereign

Book cover A Declaration of the Causes, which mooved the chiefe Commanders

By: Enos A. Mills (1870-1922)

Wild Life on the Rockies by Enos A. Mills Wild Life on the Rockies

“This book contains the record of a few of the many happy days and novel experiences which I have had in the wilds. For more than twenty years it has been my good fortune to live most of the time with nature, on the mountains of the West. I have made scores of long exploring rambles over the mountains in every season of the year, a nature-lover charmed with the birds and the trees. On my later excursions I have gone alone and without firearms. During three succeeding winters, in which I was a Government Experiment Officer and called the “State Snow Observer,” I scaled many of the higher peaks of the Rockies and made many studies on the upper slopes of these mountains.”

By: Enos Herbert Glynne Roberts

Book cover The Story of the "9th King's" in France

By: Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

Book cover The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
Book cover The Botanic Garden. Part II. Containing the Loves of the Plants. a Poem. With Philosophical Notes.

By: Eric Fisher Wood (1889-1962)

Book cover The Note-Book of an Attaché Seven Months in the War Zone

By: Eric Parker (1870-1955)

Book cover Highways and Byways in Surrey

By: Ernest Albert Savage (1877-1966)

Book cover Old English Libraries

By: Ernest Belfort Bax (1854-1926)

Book cover German Culture Past and Present
Book cover Story of the French Revolution

Preface Excerpt: "The following sketch of the course of the French Revolution was originally published during 1889 in serial form in "Justice," the weekly organ of the Social Democratic Federation. It has been revised, corrected, and, in some parts, added to, for the present re-issue. It need scarcely be said that it in no way pretends to be a complete history of the great political, social, and intellectual movement it describes. The present volume is designed primarily as a guide to those who,...

By: Ernest Daudet (1837-1921)

Book cover Which? or, Between Two Women

By: Ernest Giles (1835-1897)

Book cover Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,

By: Ernest R. (Ernest Richard) Suffling (1855-1911)

Book cover Jethou or Crusoe Life in the Channel Isles

By: Ernest Scott (1867-1939)

Book cover Terre Napoleón; a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia

By: Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946)

Book cover The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake

By: Ernest William Hawkes (1883-)

Book cover The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo

By: Erskine Childers (1870-1922)

The Riddle of the Sands by Erskine Childers The Riddle of the Sands

Containing many realistic details based on Childers’ own sailing trips along the German North Sea coast, the book is the retelling of a yachting expedition in the early 20th century combined with an adventurous spy story. It was one of the early invasion novels which predicted war with Germany and called for British preparedness. The plot involves the uncovering of secret German preparations for an invasion of the United Kingdom. It is often called the first modern spy novel, although others are as well, it was certainly very influential in the genre and for its time...

By: Estelle M. Hurll (1863-1924)

Child-life in Art by Estelle M. Hurll Child-life in Art

The poetry of childhood is full of attractiveness to the artist, and many and varied are the forms in which he interprets it. The Christ-child has been his highest ideal. All that human imagination could conceive of innocence and purity and divine loveliness has been shown forth in the delineation of the Babe of Bethlehem. The influence of such art has made itself felt upon all child pictures. It matters not whether the subject be a prince or a street-waif; the true artist sees in him something which is lovable and winning, and transfers it to his canvas for our lasting pleasure.

By: Esther Singleton (-1930)

Book cover Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers

By: Ethel J. Rosenberg (1858-1930)

Book cover A Brief Account of the Bahai Movement

“Many believe that we, in this century,” writes Ethel Rosenberg, “ are witnessing the dawn of a new spiritual epoch or era. A renewal of the Spirit is making itself felt in the Churches and in the religious and social life of all lands. This is in harmony with the teachings of the Bahais, and of their Great Leaders, now represented by Abdul Baha the ‘Servant of God,’ known to the outside world as Abbas Effendi. Once again, the Light is shining forth from that land which may indeed be called...

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