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By: Francis Parkman (1823-1893)

Book cover France and England in North America; a Series of Historical Narratives — Part 3
Book cover A Half Century of Conflict - Volume I France and England in North America

By: Francis Parkman, Jr. (1823-1893)

Book cover Montcalm and Wolfe

Francis Parkman (1823-1893) has been hailed as one of America's great nineteenth century historians, along with William Prescott, John Lothrop Motley, George Bancroft, and Henry Adams. He is a master of narrative history and is most known for his "The Oregon Trail" and his seven volume work on the history of the French and English in North America. "Montcalm and Wolfe", the seventh and last volume of the series, covers the conflict between England and France for supremacy in the New World from 1745 to 1884...

Book cover Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada

"The Conspiracy of Pontiac" was Parkman's first history book and first published in 1851. It covers the Indian wars of 1763 to 1769. Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, put together a coalition of Indian tribes from around the Great Lakes region and the Illinois and Ohio Countries to attack the British under General Jeffrey Amherst. - Summary by Richard Carpenter

Book cover La Salle, Discovery of The Great West

Parkman has been hailed as one of America's first great historians and as a master of narrative history. Numerous translations have spread the books around the world. The American writer and literary critic Edmund Wilson in his book O Canada , described Parkman’s France and England in North America in these terms: The clarity, the momentum and the color of the first volumes of Parkman’s narrative are among the most brilliant achievements of the writing of history as an art. Parkman's biases, particularly his attitudes about nationality, race, and especially Native Americans, has generated criticism...

By: Francis Rolt-Wheeler

The Boy With the U.S. Census by Francis Rolt-Wheeler The Boy With the U.S. Census

THE BOY WITH THE U.S. CENSUSBY FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELERPREFACELife in America to-day is adventurous and thrilling to the core. Border warfare of the most primitive type still is waged in mountain fastnesses, the darkest pages in the annals of crime now are being written, piracy has but changed its scene of operations from the sea to the land, smugglers ply a busy trade, and from their factory prisons a hundred thousand children cry aloud for rescue. The flame of Crusade sweeps over the land and the call for volunteers is abroad...

By: Francis S. (Francis Samuel) Drake (1828-1885)

Book cover Tea Leaves Being a Collection of Letters and Documents relating to the shipment of Tea

By: Francis Sydney Marvin (1863-1943)

Book cover Progress and History

By: Francis Tiffany (1827-1908)

Book cover Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix

A biography of a woman who advocated for the humane treatment of people with mental illness. As a young woman travelling overseas, Dorothea Dix met with people who were interested in reforming how the mentally ill were treated. Returning to America, she pushed for changes and proper care for these individuals, meeting with strong resistance. Her work ultimately resulted in social reform and the creation of asylums. Dorothea Dix was a tireless crusader and instrumental in important social reforms in the United States and the world. - Summary by Phyllis Vincelli

By: Francis Turner Palgrave (1824-1897)

Book cover The Visions of England Lyrics on leading men and events in English History

By: Francis Whiting Halsey (1851-1919)

Book cover Great Epochs in American History, Volume III

This is the third volume in ten volume series of great epochs in the history of the United States, from the landing of Columbus to the building of the Panama Canal. In large part, events composing each epoch are described by men who participated in them, or were personal eye-witnesses of them. Volume III describes the French war and the Revolution and covers time period from 1745 to 1782. - Summary by Kikisaulite

By: Francisco Hernández Arana Xajilá (1502?-1581)

Book cover The Annals of the Cakchiquels

By: François Hotman (1524-1590)

Book cover Franco-Gallia Or, An Account of the Ancient Free State of France, and Most Other Parts of Europe, Before the Loss of Their Liberties

By: François Norbert Blanchet (1795-1883)

Book cover Historical Sketches of the Catholic Church in Oregon, During the Past Forty Years

This book is a first-hand account of the experiences of Fr. Norbert Blanchet and his fellow missionaries to Oregon in the 1830’s and 1840’s. The original duo, Fr. Blanchet and Fr. Demers, had incredible adventures traveling across Canada by canoe, horseback, and river raft to arrive at the Hudson’s Bay Company Fort at Vancouver, Washington. From there, they energetically and joyfully established churches in the Willamette valley, along the Columbia River, and into present day Washington state and British Columbia...

By: François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874)

Book cover Popular History of England, From the Earliest Times to the Reign of Queen Victoria, Vol 1

This is volume one in this series of books and deals with history from Caractacus and his Wife before Claudius to the death of Wat Tyler. This follows the history of that time. Volumes two and three will be done once this one is complete.

By: Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart Montespan (1641-1707)

Book cover Memoirs of Madame de Montespan

By: Frank B. Lord

Book cover Woodrow Wilson's Administration and Achievements

By: Frank Berkeley Smith (1869-1931)

Book cover Real Latin Quarter

"Cocher, drive to the rue Falguière"--this in my best restaurant French. The man with the varnished hat shrugged his shoulders, and raised his eyebrows in doubt. He evidently had never heard of the rue Falguière. "Yes, rue Falguière, the old rue des Fourneaux," I continued. Cabby's face broke out into a smile. "Ah, oui, oui, le Quartier Latin." And it was at the end of this crooked street, through a lane that led into a half court flanked by a row of studio buildings, and up one pair of dingy waxed steps, that I found a door bearing the name of the author of the following pages--his visiting card impaled on a tack...

By: Frank Bigelow Tarbell (1853-1920)

Book cover A History of Greek Art

By: Frank Bird Linderman (1869-1938)

Book cover Indian Why Stories Sparks from War Eagle's Lodge-Fire

By: Frank Dilnot (1875-)

Book cover Lloyd George The Man and His Story

By: Frank Fowler

Book cover The Broncho Rider Boys with Funston at Vera Cruz Or, Upholding the Honor of the Stars and Stripes

By: Frank Fox (1874-1960)

Book cover Bulgaria
Book cover Peeps At Many Lands: Australia

By: Frank H. (Frank Herbert) Simonds (1878-1936)

Book cover They Shall Not Pass

By: Frank Henderson

Six Years in the Prisons of England by Frank Henderson Six Years in the Prisons of England

A Merchant talks about daily life inside prisons of England, describes routines and how prisoners are treated. He notes stories of how fellow prisoners came to be in prison, and his ideas about the penal system, its downfalls and ways to improve it. The reader can see similarities to the problems we still have in regarding "criminals" today. (Introduction by Elaine Webb)

By: Frank Jardine (1841-1919)

Book cover Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine from Rockhampton to Cape York, Northern Queensland

By: Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin

Edison, His Life and Inventions by Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin Edison, His Life and Inventions

One of the most prolific and multi-talented geniuses the world has ever seen, Thomas Alva Edison's life is indeed an inspiration for each new generation. Today we live in a world that would not have been possible if not for several of his important inventions – the electric light bulb, the motion picture camera, electric power distribution, the phonograph, and a host of other things that we take for granted today. In fact, he still holds the world record for the maximum number of patents, numbering 1093 in all! Edison – His Life and Inventions by Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin, published in 1910 was in fact a biography commissioned by Edison himself...

By: Frank Marryat (1826-1855)

Book cover Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery

By: Frank Mundell (1870-1932)

Book cover Stories of the Lifeboat

There's fury in the tempest, And there's madness in the waves; The lightning snake coils round the foam, The headlong thunder raves; Yet a boat is on the waters, Filled with Britain's daring sons, Who pull like lions out to sea, And count the minute guns. Rescue attempts to save the lives of stranded and imperilled sailors and seafarers have undoubtedly been occurring ever since the very first time that man sailed on a floating object away from the safety of the shore and out onto the wild and unpredictable seas of the world...

Book cover Stories of the Royal Humane Society

Established in 1774, the ‘Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned’ published information on how to save people from drowning, promoted the concept of using methods of artificial resuscitation to attempt to revive victims who had appeared to have lost their life through drowning and rewarded those people who had saved a life. Under the royal patronage of King George the Third, the Society changed its name in 1787 to ‘The Royal Humane Society’ and this organisation still exists...

Book cover Stories of North Pole Adventure

This volume does not pretend to be a history of Artic exploration. My aim has been to narrate some of the most thrilling incidents of Polar adventure in such a manner that the reader may feel something of the fascination which induces explorers, in spite of reverses and disasters, to attempt again and again to penetrate the vast region of snow and silence and solitude around the North Pole. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy; and, wherever possible, the actual journals of the various expeditions have been consulted, besides a host of minor publications...

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