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Mystery Novels

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By: Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946)

Jacob's Ladder by Edward Phillips Oppenheim Jacob's Ladder
Book cover Devil's Paw

A beautiful, intelligent young woman – is she a traitorous spy or a patriot? An aristocratic soldier permanently injured during the war – is he a patriot or is there more to him than meets the eye? A clandestine meeting on a beach – espionage or peace movement?

Book cover The Betrayal
The Moving Finger by Edward Phillips Oppenheim The Moving Finger
Book cover Peter Ruff and the Double Four
The Hillman by Edward Phillips Oppenheim The Hillman
Book cover The Governors
Book cover Vanished Messenger

A conference of European nations is being held in the Hague. England has not been invited to attend. Some think war is about to break out. Mr. John P. Dunster, an American, is traveling to the Hague with an important document that may prevent the outbreak of war when he mysteriously disappears after a train wreck in England. Richard Hamel is asked by the British government to attempt to solve the mystery of Dunster’s disappearance and prevent the outbreak of war in Europe.

Book cover The New Tenant
Book cover A Monk of Cruta
Book cover To Win the Love He Sought
Book cover The Lighted Way
Book cover Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo
Book cover Jeanne of the Marshes
Book cover The Survivor
Book cover The Master Mummer
The Missioner by Edward Phillips Oppenheim The Missioner
Book cover A Lost Leader
Book cover The Profiteers
Book cover The Tempting of Tavernake
Book cover The Mischief-Maker
Book cover A People's Man
Book cover Stolen Idols

Two temple statues, one with the most beautiful of features, the other a hideous sight, are at the core of this tale of adventure and the supernatural. Carved by Chinese craftsmen, they have stood to either side of the great Buddha for hundreds of years, worshipped and protected by generations of priests.Taken together, they represent human nature in balance, the spiritual with the bestial, the Soul with the Body. But what if they are separated? Ancient legend warns of disaster to anyone who disturbs that balance...

Book cover Yellow House

Vicar and his two daughters move to a small, quiet country village and soon learn that their neighbor in the yellow house holds secrets that will change everything they thought to be real in their lives.

By: Edward Stratemeyer (1862-1930)

Book cover The Rover Boys on Snowshoe Island or, The Old Lumberman's Treasure Box
Book cover The Rover Boys in Business Or, The search for the missing bonds
Book cover The Rover Boys in the Air From College Campus to the Clouds
Book cover The Rover Boys in Southern Waters or The Deserted Steam Yacht
Book cover Dave Porter in the Gold Fields or, The Search for the Landslide Mine
Book cover The Rover Boys in New York Or, Saving their father's honor

By: Edward Sylvester Ellis (1840-1916)

Book cover The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters

By: Edwin H. Porter

Book cover Fall River Tragedy

The story of how Lizzie Borden supposedly murdered her parents has passed into American folklore, partly thanks to the albeit inaccurate playground rhyme, "Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother 40 whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41." Here we have the 'true' story, as reported by the local police reporter who attended the trial and lived only streets away from the Borden home with his young wife. After the trial, Porter 'disappeared' and it was widely speculated he had either been murdered or bribed to disappear in order to suppress the book...

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