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By: Bahá'í International Community

Book cover Century of Light
Book cover The Prosperity of Humankind
Book cover One Common Faith
Book cover Statement on Bahá'u'lláh

By: Baha'i World Centre

Book cover Bahíyyih Khánum

By: Bahá'u'lláh

The Arabic Hidden Words by Bahá'u'lláh The Arabic Hidden Words

Kalimát-i-Maknúnih or The Hidden Words is a book written in Baghdad around 1857 by Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith. This work is written partly in Arabic and partly in Persian. The Hidden Words is written in the form of a collection of short utterances, 71 in Arabic and 82 in Persian, in which Bahá'u'lláh claims to have taken the basic essence of certain spiritual truths and written them in brief form. Bahá'ís are advised by `Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of Bahá'u'lláh to read them every day and every night and to implement its latent wisdom into their daily lives...

By: Bahá’u'lláh

The Persian Hidden Words by Bahá’u'lláh The Persian Hidden Words

Kalimát-i-Maknúnih or The Hidden Words is a book written in Baghdad around 1857 by Bahá’u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith. This work is written partly in Arabic and partly in Persian. The Hidden Words is written in the form of a collection of short utterances, 71 in Arabic and 82 in Persian, in which Bahá’u'lláh claims to have taken the basic essence of certain spiritual truths and written them in brief form. Bahá’ís are advised by `Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of Bahá’u'lláh to read them every day and every night and to implement its latent wisdom into their daily lives...

By: Barbara Hofland (1770-1844)

The Barbadoes Girl by Barbara Hofland The Barbadoes Girl

Matilda Sophia Hanson, whose father has recently died in their country of Barbadoes in the West Indies, must live for a time with family friends in England. The Harewood family is astonished at how spoiled, rude, and uneducated the child is. However, with seemingly endless patience and love, they help Matilda work to conquer her bad temper, and become a sensible, good, and well-informed young lady. This story reminds children and adults alike, though you have many battles with yourself, you must never relinquish hope and be assured you will find every victory easier than the last...

By: Barbara R. (Barbara Rutledge) Sims (1918-2002)

Book cover Japan Will Turn Ablaze!

By: Baron Paul Henri Thiry d'Holbach (1723-1789)

Good Sense by Baron Paul Henri Thiry d'Holbach Good Sense

In 1770, Baron D'Holbach published his masterpiece, "Systeme de la Nature", which for a long time passed as the posthumous work of M. de Mirabaud. That text-book of "Atheistical Philosophy" caused a great sensation, and two years later, 1772, the Baron published this excellent abridgment of it, freed from arbitrary ideas; and by its clearness of expression, facility, and precision of style, rendered it most suitable for the average student. This text is based on an undated English translation of "Le Bon Sens" published c. 1900. The name of the translator was not stated.

By: Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935)

Book cover The Invention of a New Religion

By: Basil Joseph Mathews (1879-1951)

Paul the Dauntless by Basil Joseph Mathews Paul the Dauntless

“We shall in this book try to go in the footsteps of Paul. It will not be all easy traveling for any of us, to journey with this daring explorer of the Unseen; there is some steep hill-climbing, some scrambling over boulders, long flat tramps over the plain, and dangerous sea-journeys for anyone who will attempt really to follow the life of this man whose eager brain was ever ‘Voyaging on strange seas of thought/Alone!’ But, if you will … trudge by him till you really know him, you will have found for yourself one of the great companions of the world.” (From the Introduction)

By: Basil of Caesarea (329/30?-378/9)

The Hexaemeron by Basil of Caesarea The Hexaemeron

The Hexaemeron is the title of nine homilies delivered by St. Basil on the the cosmogony of the opening chapters of Genesis. When and where they were delivered is quite uncertain. They are Lenten sermons, delivered at both the morning and evening services, and appear to have been listened to by working men. (Hom. iii. 1) Some words in Hom. viii. have confirmed the opinion that they were preached extempore, in accordance with what is believed to have been Basil's ordinary practice. Internal evidence...

By: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

Book cover Assist the Souls in Purgatory

A short little book on Purgatory, the Poor Souls and how we can help them with our prayers.

By: Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921)

Book cover B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 1

Many of B. B. Warfield's diverse and erudite theological writings were published as long articles in The Princeton Theological Review, sometimes spanning many issues of the periodical. The articles in this collection showcase the breadth of Warfield's scholarship and interest, his clarity of analysis of cultural trends and his deep Calvinistic piety. The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 2 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 3 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 4

Book cover B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 2

Warfield wrote many articles for Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias on diverse subjects and managed to condense dense subjects into the limitations of a short article. This collection contains several articles on the resurrection of Jesus and Warfield's reflections on theological education from his experience as professor of theology and later principal of Princeton Seminary. The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 1 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 3 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 4

Book cover B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 3

This volume showcases the diversity of Warfield's interests: as a systematic theologian, New Testament scholar, historian and churchman. Included are all the articles Warfield wrote for the journal Bibliotheca Sacra in the year of his death on John Humphrey Noyes and the Oneida Community. The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 1 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 2 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 4

Book cover Plan of Salvation

Five Lectures Delivered at The Princeton Summer School of Theology, June, 1914. In these lectures, Warfield distinguishes between different conceptions of salvation: naturalistic vs. supernaturalistic, sacerdotal vs. evangelical, universalistic vs. particularistic which act as a kind of flow chart shwoing what is known in theology as 'the order of decrees'. On page 33 of the text , there is a table that places various branches of the Christian Church within this scheme. - Summary by InTheDesert

Book cover B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 4

This volume contains a prevalence of items relating to Warfield's interests in Christology and in the thought of John Calvin. It also contains his take on questions that many would not dare tackle like "Should one repent of original sin?" and several items of a more personal nature relating to his colleagues, friends and teachers. - Summary by InTheDesert The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 1 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 2 The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 3

By: Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)

Book cover Tancred Or, The New Crusade

By: Bernard Fresenborg (1847-)

Book cover "Thirty Years In Hell" Or, "From Darkness to Light"

By: Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

On Loving God by Bernard of Clairvaux On Loving God

On Loving God is one of the best-known and most influential works of Medieval Christian mysticism. Written at the request of one of the cardinals of Rome, it describes the four “levels” of love for God, and puts Christian devotion in the context of God’s love for mankind.

By: Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Book cover Bernard Shaw's Preface to Androcles and the Lion

By: Bernie Babcock (1868-1962)

Book cover The Coming of the King

By: Berthold Auerbach (1812-1882)

Book cover Christian Gellert's Last Christmas From "German Tales" Published by the American Publishers' Corporation

By: Bertram Coghill Alan Windle (1858-1929)

Book cover Science and Morals and Other Essays

By: Bible in Basic English

Book cover Bible (BBE) 29-37: Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular developed by linguist Charles Kay Ogden for use in teaching English to non-native speakers and as an international auxiliary language. Basic English utilizes a limited vocabulary of around 850 English words. - Summary by Mark Penfold

Book cover Bible (BBE) 01-02: Genesis & Exodus

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular developed by linguist Charles Kay Ogden for use in teaching English to non-native speakers and as an international auxiliary language. Basic English utilizes a limited vocabulary of around 850 English words. - Summary by Mark Penfold

Book cover Bible (BBE) 08: Ruth

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular developed by linguist Charles Kay Ogden for use in teaching English to non-native speakers and as an international auxiliary language. Basic English utilizes a limited vocabulary of around 850 English words. - Summary by Mark Penfold

Book cover Bible (BBE) 15: Ezra

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular developed by linguist Charles Kay Ogden for use in teaching English to non-native speakers and as an international auxiliary language. Basic English utilizes a limited vocabulary of around 850 English words. - Summary by Mark Penfold

Book cover Bible (BBE) 22, 25, 39: Song of Solomon, Lamentations, Malachi

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular developed by linguist Charles Kay Ogden for use in teaching English to non-native speakers and as an international auxiliary language. Basic English utilizes a limited vocabulary of around 850 English words. - Summary by Mark Penfold

By: Blaise Pascal

Pensées by Blaise Pascal Pensées

Pascal’s Pensées is widely considered to be a masterpiece, and a landmark in French prose. When commenting on one particular section (Thought #72), Sainte-Beuve praised it as the finest pages in the French language. Will Durant, in his 11-volume, comprehensive The Story of Civilization series, hailed it as “the most eloquent book in French prose.” In Pensées, Pascal surveys several philosophical paradoxes: infinity and nothing, faith and reason, soul and matter, death and life, meaning and vanity—seemingly arriving at no definitive conclusions besides humility, ignorance, and grace. Rolling these into one he develops Pascal’s Wager.

By: Brontë sisters

Selected Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell by Brontë sisters Selected Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell

Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell was a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846, and their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted androgynous first names. Marked by profound sentiments, gravity and melodious harmony, the poems are strewn on the fields of soulful love, rueful reminiscence and the immortal yearnings of a Christian soul, and represent a fragrant assemblage of noetic flowers from the glebes of olden England...

By: Brother Ernest Ryan (1897-1963)

Book cover Adventures of Tommy Blake

Child of an atheist father and a devoutly Catholic mother, Tommy has been from childhood the object of a battle of love. Tommy’s courage and unfailing loyalty to his Faith help him to overcome obstacles which threaten his whole future with spiritual tragedy. Brother Ernest Ryan, was a Holy Cross Brother, the founder of and a prolific author for the Dujarie Press, a Catholic publishing house of Juvenile Saint books for children in the 1950’s and 1960’s. He wrote numerous juvenile biographical saint books for children, as well as several children’s fictional titles – of which this is one.

By: Brother Lawrence (1605-1691)

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence The Practice of the Presence of God

The Practice of the Presence of God is a collection of letters and transcriptions of conversations, compiled by a disciple of Brother Lawrence. Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk and head cook in his monastery’s kitchens. He quickly gained an international reputation as a mystic and spiritual counselor. The Practice of the Presence records his last words of advice to his friends and disciples, as he suffered from an unnamed illness which would eventually take his life. (Description written by Kirsten Ferreri).

Book cover Spiritual Maxims

Those who have an experiential predisposition in their faith would do well to read The Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence… if they have not done so already. This is a lesser-known work, often overlooked. These Spiritual Maxims were manuscripts found amongst the aforementioned Letters and also written by Brother Lawrence himself. The Maxims are different from the letters — the careful arrangement adopted suggests matured thought and the inference is not unreasonable that he intended them to sum up his teachings...

By: Bruce S. Wright

The Children's Six Minutes by Bruce S. Wright The Children's Six Minutes

This is a nice collection of 52 kid-aimed sermons by missionary Wright while he served in the Philippines in the World War I era. Each offers a slice-of-life reference point, an appropriate Bible verse, and hymn.

By: BS Murthy

Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife  by BS Murthy Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife

When a bunch of apparently non-practicing Musalmans headed by Mohamed Atta launched that fidayeen attack on New York’s World Trade Centre that Sep 11, the world at large, by then familiar with the ways of the Islamic terrorism, was at a loss to fathom the unthinkable source of that unexpected means of the new Islamist scourge. The symptoms of a latent terrorist in the Muslim youth can be traced to the sublimity of Muhammad's preaching’s in Mecca and the severity of his Medina sermons make Islam a Janus-faced faith that forever bedevils the mind of the Musalmans...

Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help by BS Murthy Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help

The spiritual ethos and the philosophical outlook that the Bhagvad - Gita postulates paves the way for the liberation of man, who, as Rousseau said, ‘being born free, is everywhere in chains’. But equally it is a mirror of human psychology, which enables man to discern his debilities for appropriate redressal. All the same, the boon of an oral tradition that kept it alive for over two millennia became its bane with the proliferation of interpolations therein. Besides muddying its pristine philosophy, these insertions affect the sequential conformity and structural economy of the grand discourse...

Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman's Odyssey  by BS Murthy Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman's Odyssey

If Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace. What is more, many believe that reading Sundara Kãnda or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Well miracles apart, it's in the nature of Sundara Kãnda to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in one and all. After all, isn't it a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds! Again, won't it portray how Seetha, on the...

By: Byron J. (Byron Johnson) Rees (1877-1920)

Book cover The Heart-Cry of Jesus

By: C. F. W. Walther (1811-1887)

Book cover Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel

From September 12, 1884 through November 6, 1885, C.F.W. Walther delivered a series of 39 Friday evening lectures to his students at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Unlike his doctrinal lectures during the school day, these lectures were intimate and informal. By them he intended not only to educate but to form pastors into seesorgers (healers of the soul). These lectures were first published in 1895 and have become renoun for their depth, sensitivity and insightfulness into the human heart. For well over a hundred years, generations of pastors have read and marveled at this classic presentation of Law and Gospel.

By: C. J. (Charles John) Ellicott (1819-1905)

Book cover Addresses on the Revised Version of Holy Scripture

By: C. T. (Charles Thomas) Studd (1860-1931)

Book cover The Chocolate Soldier Or, Heroism—The Lost Chord of Christianity

By: Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Wiseman (1802-1865)

Fabiola or The Church of the Catacombs by Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Wiseman Fabiola or The Church of the Catacombs

This historical novel is set in Rome in the early 4th century AD, during the time of the cruel persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian. The heroine of the book is Fabiola, a young pagan beauty from a noble Roman family. Fabiola seems to have everything, including a superior education in the philosophers, yet under the surface, she is not content with her life. One day, in a fit of rage, she attacks and wounds her slave girl Syra, who is a secret Christian. The proud, spoiled Roman girl is humbled by Syra's humility, maturity and devotion to her in this situation, and a slow transformation begins...

By: Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Book cover Psychology of the Unconscious

Jung says in his subtitle that this work is a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido and a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought.

By: Carlo Giuseppe Quadrupani (1740-1807)

Book cover Light and Peace: Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Allay Their Fears

Padre Quadrupani was an Italian priest and member of the Clerics Regular of St. Paul, also known as the Barnabites, from their association with St. Barnabas Catholic Church in Milan, Italy. Quadrupani's spirituality is based on that of the illustrious Doctor of the Church, St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622). Like St. Francis, the Padre offers spiritual advice that is practical and balanced. Perhaps it is owing to this that Quadrupani's treatise has been so well received by Catholic laypersons and has been recommended by numerous bishops over the years...

By: Caroline Atwater Mason (1853-1939)

Book cover Woman Of Yesterday

Anna is the daughter of a clergyman in a small town in Vermont. She is very happy with her lot. But when she goes to nurse a woman in the big city, she starts to discover the world. She sees new places, meets new people, and falls in love. This will test all the resolutions she once held dear. - Summary by Stav Nisser.

By: Caroline Hadley

Book cover Woodside or, Look, Listen, and Learn.

By: Catherine Booth (1829-1890)

Book cover Life and Death

Catherine Booth worked hand-in-hand with her husband William Booth to establish a fledgling mission in London, that eventually grew into a global ministry, The Salvation Army. Here she delves into the Biblical and theological foundation of their work and mission. In many ways she was the heart and soul of the Salvation Army and challenges the readers and listeners to a deeper commitment to Christ and his calling. - Summary by Larry Wilson

Book cover Aggressive Christianity: Practical Sermons

Catherine Booth was very much partner with her husband, William Booth, in founding the little London mission that would flourish into the global ministry of the Salvation Army. She was not only an organizer but a powerful preacher in her own right. This is a short collection of her passionate, but practical sermons, still full of transforming truth. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: Catherine of Genoa

The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa by Catherine of Genoa The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa

Saint Catherine of Genoa (Caterina Fieschi Adorno, born Genoa 1447 – 15 September 1510) is an Italian Roman Catholic saint and mystic, admired for her work among the sick and the poor. She was a member of the noble Fieschi family, and spent most of her life and her means serving the sick, especially during the plague which ravaged Genoa in 1497 and 1501. She died in that city in 1510.In 1551, 41 years after her death, a book about her life and teaching was published, entitled Libro de la vita mirabile et dottrina santa de la Beata Caterinetta de Genoa...

By: Catherine Parr (1512-1548)

Book cover Lamentation of a Sinner

The Lamentation of a Sinner was written in 1544, the year where Parr took on the role of Regent for a number of months when Henry VIII was fighting wars in France. She writes a general confession of sin and exhortation to holiness. Parr was the first woman to publish a book in English under her own name.

By: Catholic Truth Society

Book cover Penny Catechism (Catechism of Christian Doctrine)

A question and answer format catechism that was the standard catechetical text in Great Britain throughout most of the 20th century. Popularly called the Penny Catechism, as the original version only cost one penny. Various editions of the Penny Catechism were issued through the century and changes were made to the text, particularly following Vatican II. This edition is the pre-Vatican II edition. - Summary by Wikipedia, modified by David Oderberg

By: Chapman Cohen (1868-)

Book cover Religion & Sex Studies in the Pathology of Religious Development

By: Charles Alexander Eastman (1858-1939)

The Soul of the Indian by Charles Alexander Eastman The Soul of the Indian

"We also have a religion which was given to our forefathers, and has been handed down to us their children. It teaches us to be thankful, to be united, and to love one another! We never quarrel about religion."

By: Charles Beard (1827-1888)

Book cover Beside the Still Waters A Sermon
Book cover Strong Souls A Sermon

By: Charles Bradlaugh (1833-1891)

Book cover Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers
Book cover Humanity's Gain from Unbelief Reprinted from the "North American Review" of March, 1889

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