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By: Desiderius Erasmus (1466/69-1536) | |
The Praise of Folly
The Praise of Folly (Greek title: Morias Enkomion (Μωρίας Εγκώμιον), Latin: Stultitiae Laus, sometimes translated as In Praise of Folly, Dutch title: Lof der Zotheid) is a satirical essay written in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466/69-1536). It is considered one of the most influential works of literature in Western civilization and one of the catalysts of the Protestant Reformation.It starts off with a satirical learned encomium after the manner of the Greek satirist... |
By: Dom Bede Camm (1864-1942) | |
Voyage of the Pax
An amazing allegorical story about the journey to Heaven, using the image of a journey across the water in a ship named The Pax. St. Benedict's Rule helps to keep the travelers faithful to their goal. They encounter storms, monsters, and enticing islands along the way... if you were in the ship, would you stay the course through all the temptations? |
By: Donald Alexander Mackenzie (1873-1936) | |
Myths and Legends: Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
Donald Alexander Mackenzie was a Scottish journalist and prolific writer on religion, mythology and anthropology in the early 20th century. His works included Indian Myth and Legend, Celtic Folklore and Myths of China and Japan.As well as writing books, articles and poems, he often gave lectures, and also broadcast talks on Celtic mythology.This volume deals with the myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria, and as these reflect the civilization in which they developed, a historical narrative has been provided, beginning with the early Sumerian Age and concluding with the periods of the Persian and Grecian Empires... | |
By: Douay-Rheims Version (DRV) | |
Bible Passages Collection 001
Bible Passages Collection 001: a collection of passages, verses, and chapters from multiple public domain editions of the Holy Bible. - Summary by Kangaroo692 | |
Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: 1 & 2 Maccabees
These books are so called, because they contain the history of the people of God under the command of Judas Machabeus and his brethren: and he, as some will have it, was surnamed Machabeus, from carrying in his ensigns, or standards, those words of Exodus 15.11, Who is like to thee among the strong, O Lord: in which the initial letters, in the Hebrew, are M. C. B. E. I. It is not known who is the author of these books. But as to their authority, though they are not received by the Jews, saith St... |
By: Dougan Clark | |
The Theology of Holiness |
By: Dr. Darius Shahrokh (1931-2005) | |
Windows to the Past
In 1992, Dr. Darius Shahrokh, a retired physician-surgeon, recorded some deepening talks upon the insistence of friends in his Bahá’í Community. Each program in this series is the result of months of study of resources in both English and Persian. Some consider Windows to the Past to be stories, but it should be remembered that the stories are not intended to be entertainment, but to inform, elucidate, and inspire the listener. The programs have relevant stories purposefully placed to lighten the concentration or emphasize a point... |
By: Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) | |
Prevailing Prayer: What Hinders It?
The two first and essential means of grace are the Word of God and Prayer. These two means of grace must be used in their right proportion. If we read the Word and do not pray, we may become puffed up with knowledge, without the love that buildeth up. If we pray without reading the Word, we shall be ignorant of the mind and will of God, and become mystical and fanatical, and liable to be blown about by every wind of doctrine.These Addresses are not to be regarded as exhaustive, but suggestive. This... |
By: Dyson Hague (1857-1935) | |
Fundamentals Volume 1
The Fundamentals: A Testimony To The Truth is a set of ninety essays published between 1910 and 1915 by the Testimony Publishing Company of Chicago. According to its foreword, the publication was designed to be "a new statement of the fundamentals of Christianity." However, its contents reflect a concern with certain theological innovations related to liberal Christianity, especially biblical higher criticism. It is widely considered to be the foundation of modern Christian fundamentalism. The essays were written by sixty-four different authors, representing most of the major Protestant Christian denominations... |
By: E. (Edward) Anwyl (1866-1914) | |
Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times |
By: E. (Elphège) Vacandard (1849-1927) | |
The Inquisition A Critical and Historical Study of the Coercive Power of the Church |
By: E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934) | |
Book of the Dead
The Egyptian Book of the Dead, or the Book of Coming Forth by Day, is an Ancient Egyptian funerary text consisting of spells to protect the soul on its journey to Duat, or Afterlife. | |
Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt
The present work contains the Coptic versions of ten Greek Homilies on fasting, repentance, the end of the world, the Incarnation, etc., which are attributed to John the Faster, Athanasius of Alexandria, Proclus of Cyzicus, Eusebius and Basil of Caesarea, and Archbishop Theophilus. The texts, written in the dialect of Upper Egypt.Linguistically the texts are of great importance, and they form a mass of material which is of the highest value to Egyptologists generally. From the theological point of... |
By: E. E. Boyd | |
'Our Guy' or, The elder brother |
By: E. H. (Edwin Hubbell) Chapin (1814-1880) | |
The Crown of Thorns : a token for the sorrowing | |
Humanity in the City |
By: E. J. (Edith J.) May | |
Louis' School Days A Story for Boys |
By: E. M. (Ethel Mary) Wilmot-Buxton | |
Told by the Northmen: Stories from the Eddas and Sagas |
By: E. P. (Elijah Porter) Barrows (1807-1888) | |
Companion to the Bible |
By: E.M. Berens | |
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
Silver footed, fair haired Thetis, Ares the God of War, Nike the Goddess of Victory, The Furies and The Muses, Zeus the presiding deity of the Universe and the magical, mysterious Olympus, are some of the amazing, mythical Greek and Roman deities you'll encounter in this book. Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by EM Berens was originally intended for young readers. Written in an easy and light style, the author attempts to bring the pantheon of gods into a comprehensible format.... |
By: Edith Ferguson Black (1857-1936) | |
A Princess in Calico |
By: Edmund Venables (1819-1895) | |
The Life of John Bunyan |
By: Edward Burbidge | |
The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it? |
By: Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) | |
Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning | |
Pagan & Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
In this work from 1921, Carpenter analyzes the origin of Christian beliefs, arguing that they are derived from pre-Christian myths and religions, rather than being new revelations to the human race. He believes that “psychologically man has evolved from simple consciousness to self-consciousness, and is now in process of evolution towards another and more extended kind of consciousness,” anticipating a post-Christian era. In the penultimate chapter, “The Exodus of Christianity,” he sets out his belief that for Christianity “to hold the field of Religion in the Western World is neither probable nor desirable... |
By: Edward Fisher | |
Marrow of Modern Divinity
The gospel method of sanctification, as well as of justification, lies so far out of the understanding of natural reason, that if all the rationalists in the world, philosophers and divines, had consulted together to lay down a plan, for repairing the lost image of God in man, they had never hit upon that which the divine wisdom had pitched upon, viz., That sinners should be sanctified in Christ Jesus, 1 Cor. 1:2, by faith in him, Acts 26:18. Nay, being laid before them, they would have rejected it with disdain as foolishness, 1 Cor... |
By: Edward Granville Browne | |
A year amongst the Persians; impressions as to the life, character, and thought
Edward Granville Browne (1862 – 1926), born in Stouts Hill, Uley, Gloucestershire, England, was a British orientalist who published numerous articles and books of academic value, mainly in the areas of history and literature. His works are respected for their scholarship, uniqueness, and style. He published in areas which few other Western scholars had explored to any sufficient degree. He used a language and style that showed high respect for everybody, even toward those he personally did not view in positive light... |
By: Edward M. Bounds (1835-1913) | |
The Essentials of Prayer
The Sunday School Times says of the author, "he was a specialist in prayer and his books are for the quiet hour, for careful meditation and for all who wish to seek and find the treasures of God." This book is a ready helper for those who want to follow his path, with more and better communication with the Lord. |
By: Edward N. Hoare (1842-) | |
A Child of the Glens or, Elsie's Fortunes |
By: Edward Sell (1839-1932) | |
The Faith of Islam |
By: Edward Sylvester Ellis (1840-1916) | |
Through Forest and Fire Wild-Woods Series No. 1 |
By: Edward T. Curnick | |
The Kentucky Ranger |
By: Edward Washburn Hopkins (1857-1932) | |
The Religions of India Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume 1, Edited by Morris Jastrow |
By: Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) | |
The Essence of Buddhism |
By: Edwin Diller Starbuck (1866-1947) | |
Psychology of Religion
“The present volume is an excursus into individual psychology, and represents only one of several aspects of the psychology... “It is a purely empirical study into the Line of Growth in Religion in individuals, and an inquiry into the causes and conditions which determine it...” From the Introduction, p11.Diagrams from the text can be downloaded here. |
By: Effendi Shoghi (1897-1957) | |
God Passes By | |
The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh | |
Dawn of a New Day | |
The Advent of Divine Justice | |
Bahá'í Administration | |
The Promised Day Is Come
MANUAL OF SURGERY, OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONSBY ALEXIS THOMSON, F.R.C.S.Ed.PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION Much has happened since this Manual was last revised, and many surgical lessons have been learned in the hard school of war. Some may yet have to be unlearned, and others have but little bearing on the problems presented to the civilian surgeon. Save in its broadest principles, the surgery of warfare is a thing apart from the general surgery of civil life, and the exhaustive literature now available on every aspect of it makes it unnecessary that it should receive detailed consideration in a manual for students... | |
Citadel of Faith | |
Directives from the Guardian
MANUAL OF SURGERY, OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONSBY ALEXIS THOMSON, F.R.C.S.Ed.PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION Much has happened since this Manual was last revised, and many surgical lessons have been learned in the hard school of war. Some may yet have to be unlearned, and others have but little bearing on the problems presented to the civilian surgeon. Save in its broadest principles, the surgery of warfare is a thing apart from the general surgery of civil life, and the exhaustive literature now available on every aspect of it makes it unnecessary that it should receive detailed consideration in a manual for students... | |
Messages to America Selected Letters and Cablegrams Addressed to the Bahá'í's of North America 1932–1946 | |
The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 1) | |
Messages to Canada | |
Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand | |
Messages to the Bahá'í World: 1950–1957 | |
The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahá'í Community : the Messages from the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith to the Bahá'ís of the British Isles | |
Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand | |
High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska |
By: Elihu W. (Elihu Whittlesey) Baldwin (1789-1840) | |
The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and XXVII. |
By: Elisabeth G. Stryker (1856-1936) | |
Story of One Short Life, 1783 to 1818
This is a brief biography of Samuel J. Mills who was instrumental in establishing the first missionary society in the United States, and also the first Bible Society that began distribution of millions of Bibles around the world. His final mission was to Africa where he helped found what become the country of Liberia. He died on the return voyage at the age of thirty-five. |
By: Eliza Burt Gamble | |
The God-Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion |
By: Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) | |
A Drama of Exile
In writing her ‘Drama of Exile’, Barrett’s subject was ‘the new and strange experience of the fallen humanity, as it went forth from Paradise into the wilderness’. The bizarre, lyrical scenes that follow powerfully describe the grief and guilt of Eve, the sorrowful pride of Lucifer, and the redeeming power of love. |