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By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred Keith

Mildred Keith has a good life in Lansdale, Ohio - family, friends and school keep her happy and busy. But when her parents announce they're all moving to Indiana, Mildred's faith is tested beyond anything she could have imagined. Through good times and bad, follow Mildred and her family as they learn to rely on the Lord for strength in every circumstance! This project was proof-listened by Adele de Pignerolles and Linette Geisel. - Summary by Rachel

Book cover Mildred at Roselands

In order to recover her health, Mildred Keith goes to visit her mother's extended family, the Dinsmores, in the South. Mildred makes new friends while at Roselands, learns important lessons and grows in her faith in Christ.

Book cover Ella Clinton

The Story of Ella Clinton who regardless of her desire to be good is ruled by her passions. Then one day she submits her desires to the only source of good - Almighty God. She is known to be His child by her fruits, for "By Their Fruits Ye shall know them". - Summary by Michelle Hannah

By: Martha Lewis Beckwith Ewell (1841-1902)

Book cover The Harvest of Years

By: Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

Martin Luther strove to give a verse by verse exegesis of the Epistle to the Galatians in the work. The original work, written in Latin in around 1516, was much longer. This translation by Theodore Graebner (1876-1950) strove to produce a copy of the work in a format and with wording much more applicable to the general English-speaking American public.

Book cover The Smalcald Articles

MANUAL OF SURGERY, OXFORD MEDICAL PUBLICATIONSBY ALEXIS THOMSON, F.R.C.S.Ed.PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION Much has happened since this Manual was last revised, and many surgical lessons have been learned in the hard school of war. Some may yet have to be unlearned, and others have but little bearing on the problems presented to the civilian surgeon. Save in its broadest principles, the surgery of warfare is a thing apart from the general surgery of civil life, and the exhaustive literature now available on every aspect of it makes it unnecessary that it should receive detailed consideration in a manual for students...

Book cover Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Book cover Concerning Christian Liberty

Early in the course of the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the Church, the Nobility and the Christian life. This document concerning the Christian life expounds the famous paradox: "A Christian man is the most free lord of all, and subject to none; a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to every one."

Book cover A Treatise on Good Works
Book cover Martin Luther's Large Catechism, translated by Bente and Dau
Book cover Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith
Book cover The Hymns of Martin Luther Set to their original melodies
Book cover Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II Luther on Sin and the Flood
Book cover An Open Letter on Translating
Book cover The Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude Preached and Explained
Book cover Epistle Sermons, Vol. III Trinity Sunday to Advent

By: Marvin Richardson Vincent (1834-1922)

Book cover Amusement: A Force in Christian Training

By: Mary A. (Mary Artemisia) Lathbury (1841-1913)

Book cover Child's Story of the Bible

By: Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910)

Book cover Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
Book cover No and Yes
Book cover Unity of Good
Book cover Retrospection and Introspection
Book cover Manual of the Mother Church The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
Book cover Rudimental Divine Science
Book cover Pulpit and Press

By: Mary Cole

Book cover Trials and Triumphs of Faith

By: Mary E. (Mary Ellen) Bamford

Book cover Out of the Triangle: a story of the Far East

By: Mary Esther Miller MacGregor (1876-1961)

Book cover Black-Bearded Barbarian

A fictionalized biography of George Mackay (1844-1901), an influential Presbyterian missionary in northern Taiwan.

By: Mary L. Code

Book cover Left at Home or, The Heart's Resting Place

By: Mary Martha Sherwood (1775-1851)

Book cover Fairchild Family

The adventures of Lucy, Emily and Henry are described in this short novel, written and set in Regency England. Their naughtiness, their activities and their interactions with the children next door; Miss Augusta and Charles Trueman, are all delightfully described. Their daily lives are an insight into childhood and the family and religious values at the time - each chapter has a moral lesson, and the good end happily, while the bad get what they deserve.

By: Math Josef Frings (1819-1895)

Book cover The Excellence of the Rosary Conferences for Devotions in Honor of the Blessed Virgin

By: Matilda Coxe Evans Stevenson (1849-1915)

Book cover The Religious Life of the Zuñi Child

By: Matilda Darroch Knowles (1811-1886)

Book cover Gathering Jewels The Secret of a Beautiful Life: In Memoriam of Mr. & Mrs. James Knowles. Selected from Their Diaries.

By: Maurice Bloomfield (1855-1928)

Book cover Cerberus, The Dog of Hades The History of an Idea

By: Maurice Liber

Book cover Rashi

By: Max Heindel (1865-1918)

Book cover The Rosicrucian Mysteries

A primer for those interested in the basic philosophy, beliefs & secrets of the Rosicrucians.

By: Maximilian Schele De Vere (1820-1898)

Book cover Modern Magic

M. Schele de Vere was born in Sweden in 1820 and studied language in Germany before eventually becoming a professor of modern language at the University of Virginia in 1844 where he would teach for more than 50 years. During his time as a professor, he would write many books, mostly focusing on language. One of his last works, being first published in 1873, "Modern Magic" instead focuses on the occult. From the preface: "The main purpose of our existence on earth—aside from the sacred and paramount...

By: Mayne Reid (1818-1883)

Book cover The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea

By: Mildred Cable (1878-1952)

Book cover The Fulfilment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi's The Story of the Work in Hwochow

By: Mildred Duff (1860-1932)

The Bible in Its Making - The Most Wonderful Book in the World by Mildred Duff The Bible in Its Making - The Most Wonderful Book in the World

One great universal law runs through the realm of nature. Our Saviour gave it in a sentence: 'First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.' It is with the desire to show that the same law rules in another of God's creations — The Bible — that this little volume has been prepared. The Bible has as literally 'grown' as has an oak tree; and probably there is no more likeness between the Bible as we know it to-day and its earliest beginning, than we find between the mighty tree, and the acorn from which it sprang...

By: Minnie Lindsay Rowell Carpenter

Book cover The Angel Adjutant of "Twice Born Men"

By: Minnie Mary Lee (1826-1903)

Book cover Hubert's Wife A Story for You

By: Minot J. (Minot Judson) Savage (1841-1918)

Book cover Our Unitarian Gospel

By: Mooshie G. Daniel (1861-)

Book cover Modern Persia

By: Morris Jastrow (1861-1921)

Book cover The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria

By: Morrison Heady (1829-1915)

Book cover Burl

By: Mrs. Molesworth (1839-1921)

Book cover A Christmas Child A Sketch of a Boy-Life
Book cover Hoodie

By: Mrs. O. F. Walton (1849-1939)

A Peep Behind the Scenes by Mrs. O. F. Walton A Peep Behind the Scenes

Rosalie is the daughter of a traveling theater master and is envied by many young girls as she appears to live a life full of glamour, glitz, and glory. But beneath the happy smiling face is a hurting heart, a deep sorrow for her dying mother, and a wretched life. Follow Rosalie as she learns of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for her, and begins to trust Him for daily strength.

Book cover Christie's Old Organ

Christie is all alone in the world after his mother dies. He lives in a boarding house and every night creeps up the attic stairs to hear an old barrel organ play. One night while he is listening, the organ stops and Christie hears a thump. What has happened? What should Christie do?

Book cover Poppy's Presents

One day, Poppy gets told her mother has a present for her. But the neighbors laugh and say there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. What is the present?

By: Mrs. Robert Hoskins (1837-1916)

Book cover Clara A. Swain, M.D.

This is a brief biography of Clara A. Swain, M.D. who is regarded as the "first Medical Missionary to the Women of the Orient." She graduated from the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia and was sent out to India where she eventually came to be in the service of royalty.

By: Myles Endicott

Book cover Stories of the Bible, Volume 1: The People of the Chosen Land

Brief Bible stories from the Old Testament, many accompanied by poems. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: Nathaniel Clark Burt (1825-1874)

Book cover National Character A Thanksgiving Discourse Delivered November 15th, 1855, in the Franklin Street Presbyterian Church

By: Nehemiah Adams (1806-1878)

Book cover Bertha and Her Baptism

By: Nephi Anderson (1865-1923)

Book cover A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Book cover Added Upon A Story

By: Nicolas Notovitch (1858-?)

Book cover The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

The New Testament describes the life of Jesus, but nothing is said of his life between the ages of 14 and 29. Notovitch, like so many historians, tries to find evidence of what happened to Jesus during those years. He claims to have found the answer in an old document describing the life of Saint Issa. "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" is a copy of the manuscript along with Notovitch's reflections on his findings. It will take you on a journey to an unexpected land, linking people, cultures and religions you wouldn't dream of linking.

By: Nikolaj Velimirović (1880-1956)

Book cover The Agony of the Church (1917)

By: Norman F. Langford

The King Nobody Wanted by Norman F. Langford The King Nobody Wanted

In a very real and interesting way, The King Nobody Wanted tells the story of Jesus. Where the actual words of the Bible are used, they are from the King James Version. But the greater part of the story is told in the words of every day. (Introduction by N. F. Langford)

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