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By: Eva March Tappan (1854-1930)

Book cover World’s Story Volume II: India, Persia, Mesopotamia and Palestine

This is the second volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Topics in Part II include India, Siam, Afghanistan, Persia, Mesopotamia and Palestine. - Summary by Sonia Cast list for Sakoontala, or the lost ring: King: Tomas Peter First Attendant: Eva Davis Second Attendant: TJ Burns Child: lorda Sakoontala: Monika M...

Book cover World’s Story Volume IX: England

This is the ninth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Part IX deals with the first part of the history of England, from the early times till the reign of the Tudor kings and queens...

Book cover World’s Story Volume III: Egypt, Africa and Arabia

This is the third volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March Tappan. Each book is a compilation of selections from prose literature, poetry and pictures and offers a comprehensive presentation of the world's history, art and culture, from the early times till the beginning of the 20th century. Topics in Part III include Egypt, Northern, Western and Central Africa, South Africa and Arabia. - Summary by Sonia Cast list for The Death of Cleopatra: Dolabella: Tomas Peter Charmian: Monika M...

By: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Book cover Advent readings and spoken hymns

Advent readings and spoken hymns for each of the Four Sundays of the Advent Season.

By: Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)

Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness by Evelyn Underhill Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness

The book provides an introduction to the subject of mysticism, presenting it from the point of view of metaphysics, psychology, and symbolism. It examines the different stages of development a mystic typically experiences.

The Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today by Evelyn Underhill The Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today

Underhill emphasizes the practical, here-and-now nature of spiritual life. She argues that spirituality is a genuine and abiding human fact, and that any complete description of human life must find room for the spiritual factor, and for the religious life in which it finds expression.

By: Father Benoit Valuy (1808-1869)

Book cover Fraternal Charity

This short treatise comes from a work by the Roman Catholic priest Father Valuy, S.J., and bears an imprimatur. It was written for members of religious orders; yet, as the translator notes, it may be of interest to others, for "love, the sunshine of existence, is wanted everywhere." The first five chapters cover the fundamentals of fraternal charity. Chapters 6 through 17 discuss twelve characteristics of fraternal charity. Chapters 18 and 19 show how God manifests the virtue of charity to us most perfectly...

By: Father John Gerard (1564-1637)

Book cover During the Persecution: Autobiography of Father John Gerard

Fr. John Gerard was an English Jesuit priest who operated covertly in England during the Elizabethan era, during which the Catholic Church was subject to persecution. Gerard notably not only successfully hid from the English authorities for eight years before his capture but also endured extensive torture, escaped from the Tower of London, recovered and continued with his covert mission. After his escape to the Continent, he was instructed by his Jesuit superiors to write a book about his life...

By: Ferrar Fenton (1832-1920)

The Bible in Modern English: Genesis - Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel by Ferrar Fenton The Bible in Modern English: Genesis - Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel

Work on the translation began in 1853 by a London businessman called Ferrar Fenton (1832–1920). The complete Bible was first published in 1903, though parts were published as separate volumes during the preceding 11 years. The translation is noted for a rearranging of the books of the Bible into what the author believed was the correct chronological order. In the Old Testament, this order follows that of the Hebrew Bible. The name of God was translated throughout the Old Testament as "The Ever-Living"...

The Bible in Modern English, NT: John, 1John, Matthew, Mark by Ferrar Fenton The Bible in Modern English, NT: John, 1John, Matthew, Mark

The ordering novelty in the New Testament is that it places the Gospel of John and the First Epistle of John at the beginning before the Gospel of Matthew, thus placing the Acts of the Apostles immediately after the Gospel of Luke. Work on the translation began in 1853 by a London businessman called Ferrar Fenton (1832–1920). The complete Bible was first published in 1903, though parts were published as separate volumes during the preceding 11 years. The translation is noted for a rearranging of the books of the Bible into what the author believed was the correct chronological order. His translation of the New Testament is based on the Greek text of Westcott and Hort.

By: Ferrar Fenton Bible (1832-1920)

Numbers (FFB) by Ferrar Fenton Bible Numbers (FFB)

The record of the numbering of the nation of Israel, as well as the beginning of their "maturity" as they near the "promised land" of Canaan. (Introduction by Mark Penfold)

Book cover Bible (Fenton) NT06-NT27: Romans to Revelation

Work on the translation began in 1853 by a London businessman named Ferrar Fenton . The complete Bible was first published in 1903, though parts were published as separate volumes during the preceding 11 years. The translation is noted for a rearranging of the books of the Bible into what the author believed was the correct chronological order. In the Old Testament, this order follows that of the Hebrew Bible. The name of God was translated throughout the Old Testament as "The Ever-Living". The Bible is described as "translated into English direct from the original Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek languages...

By: Ferreol Girardey (1839-1930)

Book cover Prayer: Its Necessity, Its Power, Its Conditions

Redemptorist Father Ferreol Girardey's book, which bears an imprimatur, is a broad introductory treatise on the subject of prayer. He discusses the power and necessity of prayer, explains why some prayers do not seem to be answered, and tells us how to make our prayers more acceptable to God. In particular, he instructs the reader on what to pray for and for whom to pray. He also details the conditions necessary for efficacious prayer and explains the times when it is most suitable to pray. Father Girardey includes numerous lessons from the gospel on prayer and offers selections from Meditations for Every Day of the Year by Redemptorist Father Louis Bronchain.

By: Flavius Philostratus

Book cover The Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Apollonius of Tyana (ca. 40-120 AD) was a Greek Pythagorean philosopher and teacher. He hailed from the town of Tyana in the Roman province of Cappadocia in Asia Minor. His date of birth is a matter of conjecture as some say he was roughly a contemporary of Jesus.After Apollonius' death his name remained famous among philosophers and occultists. In a "novelistic invention" inserted in the Historia Augusta, Aurelian, at the siege of Tyana in 272, was said to have experienced a visionary dream in which Aurelian claimed to have seen Apollonius speak to him, beseeching him to spare the city of his birth...

By: Fr. Martin Von Cochem (1630-1712)

Book cover Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Hell, Heaven

We are all going to die! Heaven is our ultimate destination. Sadly not all are bound for Glory. Many well intentioned people are of the belief that Heaven and Glory are automatic rewards for living on earth. The author of this book, Father Martin Von Cochem points out the fallacy of such thinking. He pulls no punches stressing the necessity of living our best lives for God. Sufferings on earth are part of the equation, He describes hell in frightening detail for all who think it is a non issue, We have to work to get a Heavenly reward...

By: Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet (1801-1873)

Book cover De Smet's Letters and Sketches, 1841-1842

In 1841 and 1842, Fr. Pierre-Jean DeSmet traversed the wide and wild American West to bring the gospel to the Flatheads, who had sent multiple delegations from Montana to St. Louis, repeatedly requesting a Blackgown priest to instruct them in Christianity. Fr. DeSmet’s letters to his Jesuit Superiors show his heroic religious dedication and selflessness, as he recounts fatigues, hunger, thirst, and dangers that rival those of the apostle St. Paul. He also makes intelligent observations of geography, geology, weather , and the interesting customs of the different tribes he meets...

By: Frances Alice Forbes (1869-1936)

Book cover Life of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincent De Paul [c. 1581 - 1660] was a man renowned during his own century for his compassion, humility and generosity. During the days when galleys were part of any countries' war machine and these galleys were rowed by convicts who were in reality slaves, Vincent's special call was to provide what spiritual comfort he could to these wretched men. When a young man he himself had been captured by Turkish pirates, who brought him to Tunis and sold him into slavery, so he had a special understanding of their lot...

Book cover Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy

A short and rather old fashioned biography a great saint. Don't expect subtlety; it's unapologetic hagiography. The saint is presented as a figure of pristine brilliance, courage and integrity and his persecutors as conniving villains. But to those who appreciate what was at stake in the controversy, Athanasius is indeed a God-sent hero. This is an informative, if quaint, introduction to a fascinating figure in history.

By: Frances E. W. Harper (1825-1911)

Book cover Sowing and Reaping

This novel is subtitled A Temperance Story, which identifies explicitly the focus of the work. Frances Harper is a Christian moralist and uses her writings for didactic purposes. Here she contrast two couples, one, Belle and Paul, who do not drink and whose lives are happier and more productive, and the other, Jeanette and Charles, who lives are destroyed by the demon rum.

By: Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924)

The Dawn of a To-morrow by Frances Hodgson Burnett The Dawn of a To-morrow

A wealthy London business man takes a room in a poor part of the city. He is depressed and has decided to take his life by going the next day to purchase a hand gun he had seen in a pawnshop window. The morning comes with one of those 'memorable fogs' and the adventure he has in it alters his decisions and ultimately his life.

By: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)

Book cover Coming to the King

A collection of poems by Frances Ridley Havergal and others, all describing different aspects of our walk with God, from 'Coming to the King' to 'Under the Shadow.'

By: Francis Asbury (1745-1816)

Book cover Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume I

As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume III

As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Journal of Francis Asbury, Volume II

As one of the first two bishops of the Methodist church in America and one of the most well-known circuit riders during the spread of Methodism, Francis Asbury kept a journal of his travels and activities. His journal begins with his prayerful decision to come to America in 1771 and continues to December of 1815, a few months before his death. In the meantime, we travel with Rev. Asbury across the ocean, over mountains, through rivers, and up and down the whole length of the fledgling United States of America. Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon The New Atlantis

In 1623, Francis Bacon expressed his aspirations and ideas in New Atlantis. Released in 1627, this was his creation of an ideal land where people were kind, knowledgeable, and civic-minded. Part of this new land was his perfect college, a vision for our modern research universities. Islands he had visited may have served as models for his ideas.

By: Francis Cassilly (1860-1938)

A Story of Love by Francis Cassilly A Story of Love

This is not a love story, but the story of love, a love which every man and woman was created to experience, a love so intense and fulfilling that it scarcely seems possible to grasp, yet one that is offered to every human person who opens his heart and mind to its beauty and wonder. This is a love that so many of our forefathers have found and even now enjoy, but which so many of us still seek. The American Jesuit Father Cassilly opens our eyes to this love, the unifying and personal love between the human person and his Creator...

By: Francis Edward Tourscher (1870-1939)

Book cover Work Of The Sisters During The Epidemic Of Influenza October, 1918

In 1918 over 2,000 Roman Catholic nuns left their convents in the Philadelphia area to nurse the sick and dying of the influenza epidemic. Twenty-three of the sisters died because of their ministrations. This is an account of their heroic work published in the American Catholic Historical Society Of Philadelphia, 1919. “Gathered and arranged from reports of personal experiences of the sisters and contributed by request of the compiler.” The compiler/author was an academic/priest at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. Since there are no chapter headings, this recording uses the section headings of the book. - Summary by David Wales and book's subtitle

By: Francis J. Finn (1859-1928)

But Thy Love and Thy Grace by Francis J. Finn But Thy Love and Thy Grace

Father Finn's beautiful little tale can be read in an hour or so, but it conveys a lesson which ought to be of longer duration. The interest of the story is chiefly theological, turning, as it does, on the refining and ennobling effects of frequent confession and communion on the soul; yet it is so simply put that any child can understand it.Regina O'Connell is a poor factory girl whose earnings support herself and her bedridden sister. She is simplicity itself—one of those rare beings whom unselfishness and genuine humility make heroines in the true sense of the word...

Book cover That Office Boy

A new story by Father Finn! It will be glad news to many to learn that Father Finn has found time from his many duties to write a new story, and such a story! From the opening chapter to the last page of the book the interest never lags. The plot is very simple, turning on a prize contest for pianos offered by certain newspapers to the school, society or club that receives the greatest number of coupons. Of course, this calls for keen competition on the part of the young people of the city, and it is in this contest that Michael Desmond, "That Office Boy," figures prominently...

Book cover Mostly Boys: Short Stories

A collection of tales about real life boys in every walk of life. They are redolent of the breezy spirit of healthy, jovial boyhood, and permeated with the author’s best brand of humor. (The Publishers Trade List Annual 1917) The author, Francis J. Finn, S.J., was a Catholic priest who wrote a series of 27 popular Catholic novels for young people during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. His best known work is “Tom Playfair”.

By: Francis J. Finn, S.J. (1859-1928)

Book cover Ethelred Preston; or, The Adventures of a Newcomer

Ethelred Preston is a story for boys written by Fr. Finn, SJ. The hero, Ethelred, while on his way to college, meets Packy Jarloe, a peddler, who induces him to change places with himself, so that Packy goes to Henrytown College, announcing himself as Ethelred Preston, while Ethelred takes Packy's peddler's pack and sets out on the road to make his fortune There is a mixture of the ludicrous and serious in what follows, but the fraud is finally discovered and Ethelred after much suffering finds himself installed as a regular student and universal favorite at Henrytown College.

Book cover Ada Merton

The conversion of an indifferent father and mother, through the death of an only child, is well told in another story by Fr Finn, S.J. entitled Ada Merton.

Book cover Percy Wynn, or Making a Boy of Him

In this volume, which follows the author's popular book "Tom Playfair", a new boy is just arriving at St. Maure's boarding school. Percy Wynn has grown up as the only boy in a family of 10 girls. He has never played with boys before, and no one looking at him for a moment would hesitate to set him down as "Mamma's darling". Tom and his friends befriend Percy, and attempt to repair his formal manners, and "make a boy of him".

Book cover Claude Lightfoot, or How the Problem Was Solved

Most of the boys in the Catholic school called Milwaukee College are engrossed with baseball and keeping up with their studies. When twelve year old Claude Lightfoot is transferred into the school, he has a rocky time of it. While Claude excels in baseball and other playground activities, he also has a knack of annoying the other boys, particularly one who is a mean bully. And though Claude is mentally bright, his hyperactive classroom behavior is a trial to his teacher. The problem that must be solved is whether Claude can settle down to become a responsible young man capable of self control...

Book cover Harry Dee; or Making it Out

Harry Dee, a nervous, sensitive boy, given to somnambulism, arrives at St. Maure's following his experiences involving the murder of his rich uncle. Tom Playfair and Percy Wynn help to restore Harry to his former self, which includes solving "The Mystery of Tower Hill Mansion." This is the last book of the three of Fr. Finn's famous trio.

By: François Norbert Blanchet (1795-1883)

Book cover Historical Sketches of the Catholic Church in Oregon, During the Past Forty Years

This book is a first-hand account of the experiences of Fr. Norbert Blanchet and his fellow missionaries to Oregon in the 1830’s and 1840’s. The original duo, Fr. Blanchet and Fr. Demers, had incredible adventures traveling across Canada by canoe, horseback, and river raft to arrive at the Hudson’s Bay Company Fort at Vancouver, Washington. From there, they energetically and joyfully established churches in the Willamette valley, along the Columbia River, and into present day Washington state and British Columbia...

By: François-Xavier Gautrelet (1807-1886)

Book cover Christian Nurse and Her Mission in the Sick Room

François-Xavier Gautrelet was a French Jesuit priest whose legacy survives as being the inspiration and originator of the Apostleship of Prayer in 1844. In this volume he gives an extensive spritual and practical guide to nurses and others who minister to the sick and dying. The translator, John Mason Neale, was a British Anglican who served as warden ot Sackville College, an almshouse at East Grinstead for many years. In 1854 he co-founded the Society of Saint Margaret, an order of women in the Church of England dedicated to nursing the sick...

By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959)

Book cover Handful of Stars

This is the second of a five volume series called "Texts That Made History". As with the first volume, "A Bunch of Everlastings", each chapter tell a brief biography with emphasis on the text from scripture that was significant in the life of each. It is biography and Bible study expertly woven together to produce interesting and inspirational stories.

Book cover Luggage of Life

This collection contains 32 essays by the respected Baptist preacher Frank Boreham. Writing on topics that range from falling in love to eating sandwiches at a church meeting, Boreham seeks to encourage and inspire Christian believers around the world. Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Other Side of the Hill, and Home Again

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham challenges us to view things from a perspective we may not be accustomed to–from the other side of the hill, as it were–and then to return home with a fresh outlook. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Silver Shadow, and Other Day Dreams

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic. Boreham admits that this volume is but a collection of his reflections on things. But he hopes that by viewing the reflections, we will be more apt to take notice of the things themselves than if we had looked directly at them in full light of day. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Faces in the Fire, and Other Fancies

In this collection of essays, Frank Boreham shares with us his musings on how everyday items such as boots and linoleum, or a cozy fire, or even Nothing at all, can enrich our spiritual lives and draw us closer to our Heavenly Father. Summary by Devorah Allen.

Book cover Bunch of Everlastings

A collection of brief biographies and the text from scripture that was significant in the life of each. It is biography and devotional Bible study expertly woven together to produce interesting and inspirational stories.

Book cover Rubble and Roseleaves, and Things of That Kind

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham characterizes each chapter as neither sermons nor essays, but simply, as he calls them, "outbursts" or "wayward notions," and he presents them to us as if we were all gathered around a comfortable fire together. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Uttermost Star, and Other Gleams of Fancy

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham invites us to enter his book and his thoughts as if we were honored guests entering his home, with an evening of hospitality and fellowship before us. - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Golden Milestone

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, the author has "tried to point out a few of the things that make [the world] so loveable. If something I have said," he writes, "makes somebody somewhere more glad to be alive, I shall be inclined to forgive this truant pen of mine its inordinate garrulity." - Summary by Devorah Allen

Book cover Casket of Cameos

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic. This is the third volume of his "Texts That Made History" series, in which he sketches the lives of eminent Christians throughout the ages and the specific scriptures from which they each drew their inspiration and strength.

Book cover Mountains in the Mist

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of editorials during his lifetime, with no sign of slowing down, even up until his death at age 88. He wrote with a distinctive style, seeming to be able to draw a spiritual lesson out of any conceivable topic.In this volume, Boreham invites us to view spiritual truths as we would look upon beautiful mountains in the distance, with a spirit of wonder and humility, rather than with meticulous reasoning and analysis. Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847-1929)

Book cover Directory of the Devout Life

We can never allow the great objective facts of Christianity, and their attendant doctrines, to sink low on our horizon; but we must give equal prominence to the demands of Christ for a righteousness which shall exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees, and a perfection which shall resemble that of God. We have no right to be content with saying "Lord, Lord;" we must do the things which He says. Of course, the right kind of obedience is impossible, apart from the Cross and the Spirit. We must be reconciled before we can become obedient children; we must be filled with the Spirit before "the fragrance of Christ" can be manifested through us in every place...

Book cover Joseph: Beloved, Hated, Exalted

I remember seeing the huge Matterhorn reflected, in its minutest details, in a small mountain lakelet, many miles distant; and similarly, the life of Jesus is remarkably mirrored in this touching story. In fact, there are scenes in the life of Joseph which probably foreshadow events that are timed to happen in the near future, and which depict them with a vividness and minuteness not to be found elsewhere on the page of Scripture. It is here only that we can fully realize what will take place when the Lord Jesus makes Himself known to his brethren according to the flesh, and they exclaim, "It is Jesus our brother!" (From the Preface)

By: Frederick Denison Maurice (1805-1872)

Book cover Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament

This is a collection of twenty-seven sermons on the Old Testament kings, from Saul to Zedekiah, and the prophets who spoke to them, from Samuel to Ezekiel. Moving in chronological order of the biblical events, this book could be a useful aid to studying this portion of the Bible. - Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Frederick William Faber (1814-1863)

Book cover Kindness

Father Frederick William Faber was a beloved spiritual writer, preacher, and superior of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in London. An Oxford scholar and Anglican priest since 1839, Faber converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845 following his mentor John Henry (later Cardinal) Newman. During the 1850s, Father Faber published several popular spiritual books, which have been treasured by Catholics ever since: All for Jesus, Growth in Holiness, The Blessed Sacrament, The Creator and the Creature, The Foot of the Cross, Spiritual Conferences, The Precious Blood, and Bethlehem...

Book cover Bethlehem

There are several ways in which we may treat of the mysteries of the Three-and-Thirty Years of our dearest Lord. We may look at each of them singly, as it is in itself, full of grace and beauty, and distinctively unlike any other. Secondly, we may gather them up into departments, and call them the joyful, the sorrowful, and the glorious mysteries, the three sets differing thus from each other, and, in the unity of each set, each mystery having its own distinctness. Or, thirdly, we may view them as clustering in constellations, and yet these constellations unities, as the Childhood, the Hidden Life, the Public Ministry, the Passion, and the Risen Life or Great Forty Days...

By: Friedrich Bente [translator] (d. 1930)

Book cover Book of Concord Preface

The Christian Book of Concord was published in 1580 as a collection of eleven documents: Three Ecumenical Creeds and eight documents from the Reformation Era. Here is the Preface to the entire work together with the Saxon Visitation Articles from 1592.

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

The Joyful Wisdom by Friedrich Nietzsche The Joyful Wisdom

The Joyful Wisdom (later translated as The Gay Science), written in 1882, just before Zarathustra, is rightly judged to be one of Nietzsche’s best books. Here the essentially grave and masculine face of the poet-philosopher is seen to light up and suddenly break into a delightful smile. The warmth and kindness that beam from his features will astonish those hasty psychologists who have never divined that behind the destroyer is the creator, and behind the blasphemer the lover of life. In the retrospective...

By: Friedrich von Hügel (1852-1925)

Book cover Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion

Baron Friedrich von Hugel was a lay Catholic theologian whose work was influential during the rise of modernist thought. His Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion became a favorite work of later Christian writers C.S. Lewis and Flannery O'Connor. The book compiled previously written material into a single collection, divided into three parts: the first, on religion and theism in general; the second, on Christ's teachings and Christianity in general; the third, on the Catholic Church. - Summary by Dylan P. Straub

By: Fulke Greville (1554-1628)

A Treatise of Religion by Fulke Greville A Treatise of Religion

Part diatribe, part discourse, part sermon and part stand-up comedy, this is Fulke Greville's 114 stanza, verse-poem about religious hypocrisy.

By: G. A. McLaughlin (1851-1933)

Book cover Saved and Kept: or How to Get Saved and How to Keep Saved

This little volume is by no means intended to be a theological work. Nor does it attempt to show the details of the Christian life. The author seeks to point out the principal means by which sincere souls may be saved and keep saved. It is intended to be a simple, direct exposition of the way of salvation, put in every-day language, with the earnest desire that ‘‘he that runneth may read,"’ and that the reader may be helped in reaching the goal, and in finding an abundant entrance into the City of God. With this single aim we launch this little book, praying that it may be helpful to some soul who seeks to know what God has for him. - Summary by G. A. McLaughlin

Book cover Clean Heart

"Much of the preaching and teaching of religion is in a theological dialect that is scarcely more intelligible to the people than a foreign language. Many pulpits need an interpreter as much as do the foreign missionaries among the heathen. The attempt of the writer is to put the matter of full salvation in a simple, direct way, that all may see the simplicity of a subject that is sometimes “darkened with words". It is an attempt to show that the experience of a clean heart is but the answer to a prayer that is both scriptural and reasonable. It is an attempt to furnish food for hungry souls...”

By: G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)

Wherein? by G. Campbell Morgan Wherein?

These studies in the book of Malachi were delivered as addresses to the students at Mr. Moody’s Bible School in Chicago, and then to my own congregation. They have also appeared in “The Record of Christian Work” in the United States, and in “Out and Out” in England. They are now sent out in a more permanent form, after careful revision, with the prayer that they may be used of God in calling His own children into the place of power without which form is nothing. (Introduction by G. Campbell Morgan)

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