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By: An Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women (1837-1837)

Book cover Address to Free Colored Americans

The first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women met in New York City in May, 1837. Members at the Convention came from all walks of life and included such prominent women as Mary Parker, Lucretia Mott, the Grimke sisters, and Lydia Maria Child. One outcome of this important event was a statement of the organization’s role in the abolitionist movement as expressed in AN ADDRESS TO FREE COLORED AMERICANS, which begins: “The sympathy we feel for our oppressed fellow-citizens who are enslaved...

By: Anna Botsford Comstock (1854-1930)

Book cover Handbook of Nature-Study, Part 1

Handbook of Nature-Study was written by Anna Botsford Comstock during an era of growing societal concern for man's treatment of the natural world. Out of this concern grew the nature study movement which sought to teach science to school children (and others) through direct observation of nature by the students themselves instead of by the study of nature books. The book is written as a guide for teachers instructing their classes in nature study and includes a wealth of information about plants, animals, the earth, and the sky along with suggestions for guiding students in their observations...

By: Anonymous

Book cover Young Girl's Diary

The diary of an upper middle class Austrian girl, this book describes her life between the ages of eleven and fourteen. It's a coming of age story full of angst, boys, and questions.

By: Arabella B. Buckley (1840-1929)

Book cover Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures

"The present volume is chiefly intended for those of my young friends who have read, and been interested in, The Fairyland of Science. It travels over a wide field, pointing out a few of the marvellous facts which can be studied and enjoyed by the help of optical instruments. It will be seen at a glance that any one of the subjects dealt with might be made the study of a lifetime, and that the little information given in each lecture is only enough to make the reader long for more.In these days,...

By: Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

Book cover Physics

Physics (Greek: Φυσικὴ ἀκρόασις; Latin: Physica, or Physicae Auscultationes) discusses concepts including: substance, accident, the infinite, causation, motion, time and the Prime Mover.

By: Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)

Book cover Treatise on Light

Treatise on Light was published in 1690 and is probably the largest scientific volume on light published before Newton's Opticks. The book explains how light travels (i.e., that it has a certain velocity), and what happens when it hits a surface (refraction and reflection). A large portion of the book is devoted to the double refraction occurring in Iceland chrystal, and all drawn conclusions are proved geometrically. Christiaan Huygens (1629 - 1695) was a prominent physicist and astronomer. His main discoveries are the centrifugal force, collision laws for bodies and the argument that light consists of waves...

By: Hallam Hawksworth (1863-?)

Book cover Adventures of a Grain of Dust

This charming book for children is full of interesting facts about all sorts of plants, insects, birds and animals and how they all help to enrich the soil for farmers - each in its own special way. Join our narrator, The Grain of Dust on a fascinating journey around the planet to meet them. "I don't want you to think that I'm boasting, but I do believe I'm one of the greatest travellers that ever was; and if anybody, living or dead, has ever gone through with more than I have I'd like to hear about it...

By: James Frazer (1854-1941)

Book cover Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 2. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul

The third volume of The Golden Bough. The term Taboo is one of the very few words which the English language has borrowed from the speech of savages. This volume examines the underlying moral code of many societies, both primitive and medieval, and with modern analogies. The reader is encouraged to contemplate the contradictions, inconsistencies, and absurdities, not merely between different people of different countries and ages, but also between similar people within the same countries. Frazer presents extensive evidence that the laws of morality slowly, but subtly, are in an ever changing state. - Summary by Leon Harvey

Book cover Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. Part 3. The Dying God

The fourth volume in Frazer's seminal 12 volume set on anthropology and traditional systems of belief. With this third part of The Golden Bough we take up the question, why had the King of the Wood at Nemi regularly to perish by the hand of his successor? Topics investigated include the practice and intention of human sacrifice, the mortality of gods, the regular killing of divine kings and spirits, and the superstitions surrounding the succession of the soul. - Summary by Leon Harvey

Book cover Golden Bough: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, Volume 2

The second volume in Frazer's seminal 12 volume set on anthropology and traditional systems of belief. The superstition and magical purpose of kings is further discussed alongside the worship of trees, vegetation, fire, and the sacred marriages, and the mystical bond between people and trees. - Summary by Leon Harvey

Book cover Golden Bough: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, Volume 1

The first volume in Frazer's seminal 12 volume set on anthropology and traditional systems of belief. Topics covered include extensive discussion on the belief in sympathetic and contagious magic, magical influence on the environment, magicians and kings, magicians as priests, the origin of incarnate living gods, and a lengthy essay on the origin on the king of the wood at the lake of Nemi.

By: Margaret Warner Morley (1858-1923)

Book cover Little Wanderers

This book discusses a great variety of plants and their seeds in a simple, yet interesting way that children will enjoy. As the books says, "Plants are great travelers; they often wander far and wide. Sometimes they even cross the ocean and take up their abode in a new land.” The importance of why seeds “travel” and the various means by which they move are investigated.

Book cover Bee People

"The Honey-bees are buzzy-fuzzy little pepper pots" Thus this wonderful nature writer begins to tell us about bees, their habits, their way of living and their many contributions to the world and to ourselves. The author writes for all ages and everyone can listen to and enjoy this book. - Summary by Phil Chenevert

Book cover Seed-Babies

Seed Babies piques the child's interest about how seeds grow. It provides interesting information about seeds in a conversational style between two brothers and the various seeds they encounter. These seeds offer grammatical advice, chastises poor reasoning, provide enlightening information, and will often encourage the boys to go and discover answers to their questions themselves. In turn, the author lets the reader know that she too hopes that they will plant some seeds and make discoveries of their own...

By: Mary Antin (1881-1949)

Book cover They Who Knock at Our Gates

In 1914, over one million immigrants arrived in the United States, following in the footsteps of approximately ten million others who had arrived in the preceding decade. Faced with so many newcomers, many of them from backgrounds new to the American mix, voices in government and in the press had begun arguing in favor of more severely restrictionist immigration policies. In They Who Knock at Our Gates, Mary Antin broke down the discussion into three basic questions. First, the ethical question --...

By: National Comm. on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Book cover Final Report from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling

On April 20, 2010, the Macondo well blew out, costing the lives of 11 men, and beginning a catastrophe that sank the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and spilled over 4 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill disrupted an entire region's economy, damaged fisheries and critical habitats, and brought vividly to light the risks of deepwater drilling for oil and gas - the latest frontier in the national energy supply. Soon after, President Barack Obama appointed a seven-member Commission to investigate the disaster, analyze its causes and effects, and recommend the actions necessary to minimize such risks in the future...

By: Nellie Bly (1864-1922)

Book cover Six Months In Mexico

This is an account of Nellie Bly's travels through Mexico in 1885. The book was originally a series of individual articles that she submitted to the Pittsburgh Dispatch newspaper for publication. In them she described the conditions of the people and the political system she found in Mexico. Her narratives focused mostly on the impoverished and disadvantaged in a country whose government was extremely corrupt. Bly was perhaps what we now term a feminist, striving for the empowerment and independence of women...

By: Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924)

Book cover How to Succeed

In this volume, Orison Swett Marden explains the road to success in simple terms for the benefit of anyone, who wishes to follow in his footsteps. Over 100 years after publication, most of these lessons are still valid today.

By: Philip Francis Nowlan (1888-1940)

Book cover Airlords of Han

Airlords of Han is the 2nd Buck Rogers story, the sequel to Armageddon 2419 A.D.. Anthony Rogers takes the fight to free 25th Century America to the Han overlords. From the March, 1929 issue of Amazing Stories.

By: Plato (Πλάτων) (c. 428 BC - c. 347 BC)

Book cover Republic (version 2)

The Republic is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC concerning the definition of justice and the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. It is Plato's best-known work and has proven to be one of the most intellectually and historically influential works of philosophy and political theory. In it, Socrates along with various Athenians and foreigners discuss the meaning of justice and examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust man by considering a series of different cities coming into existence "in speech", culminating in a city (Kallipolis) ruled by philosopher-kings; and by examining the nature of existing regimes...

Book cover Gorgias

This dialogue brings Socrates face to face with the famous sophist Gorgias and his followers. It is a work likely completed around the time of "Republic" and illuminates many of the spiritual ideas of Plato. The spirituality, as Jowett points out in his wonderful introduction, has many ideas akin to Christianity, but is more generous as it reserves damnation only for the tyrants of the world. Some of the truths of Socrates, as presented by Plato, shine forth in this wonderful work on sophistry and other forms of persuasion or cookery.

By: Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)

Book cover North West Passage -The Gjöa Expedition 1903-1907 (Volume II)

Volume II of Roald Amundsen's The Northwest Passage. Roald Amundsen and six hearty seafarers in the tiny sloop Gjöa are the first to make the complete passage across the top of the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific. With a Supplement by First Lieutenant Godfred Hansen, Vice Commander of the expedition. - Summary by Steven Seitel

Book cover North West Passage -The Gjöa Expedition 1903-1907 (Volume I)

Roald Amundsen and six hearty seafarers tackle the North West Passage in search of the elusive wandering magnetic North Pole.

By: Sarath Kumar Ghosh (1883-?)

Book cover Wonders of the Jungle

How do elephants drink? What is the Law of the Jungle at the water hole? How does an elephant baby learn to feed and learn to swim? How do they walk under water? In what order do buffaloes drink? How do buffaloes fight the tiger? These and other wild inhabitants of the Indian jungle such as pigs, wild dogs, deer, camels, bears and birds are discussed in lively stories to entertain but mainly educate children of school age. "One of the great thinkers of the world has said that all the sciences are embodied in natural history...

By: United States House of Representatives

Book cover Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina

In September 2005, the House of Representatives created the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. The Committee was charged with conducting "a full and complete investigation and study and to report its findings to the House not later than February 15, 2006, regarding-- (1) the development, coordination, and execution by local, State, and Federal authorities of emergency response plans and other activities in preparation for Hurricane Katrina; and (2) the local, State, and Federal government response to Hurricane Katrina...

By: Various

Book cover National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 4

National Geographic Magazine Volume 1 Number 4 published in 1889. Topics of articles are: Irrigation in California Round about Asheville A Trip to Panama and Darien Across Nicaragua with Transit and Machéte

Book cover Selection of 19th Century Scientific Verse

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, it was common for discoveries in branches of science such as botany, astronomy and medicine to be described in book-length treatises in verse. By the end of the 19th century this mode of popularising science was falling from favour as the studies of science and the humanities diverged and study became more specialised.This small selection of somewhat lighter-hearted verse written by distinguished scientists and mathematicians of the day includes poems by James Clerk Maxwell, William J. Macquorn Rankine and James Joseph Sylvester.

Book cover National Geographic Magazine Vol. 01 No. 3

National Geographic Magazine Volume 1 Number 3 published in 1889. Topics of articles are: The Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania Topographic Models International Literary Contest

By: A. (Alvan) McAllister

Book cover A Dissertation on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco

By: A. B. (Artemas Bowers) Muzzey (1802-1892)

Book cover The Young Maiden

By: A. C. (Albert Charles) Seward (1863-1941)

Book cover Darwin and Modern Science

By: A. C. (Austin Craig) Apgar (1838-1908)

Book cover Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination

By: A. M. (Albert Moore) Reese (1872-)

Book cover Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator

By: A. M. (Arthur Mason) Worthington (1852-1916)

Book cover The Splash of a Drop

By: A. Marsh

Book cover The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and the Second Part, The Confession of the New Married Couple

By: A. Mouritz (1861-1943)

Book cover “The Flu”: A Brief History of Influenza in U. S. America, Europe, Hawaii

PREFACE This Booklet has been written and compiled for the use of any student or layman who seeks concise and clear information on the history of Influenza. Brief and salient facts are set forth relating to “Flu” epidemics and pandemics: other collateral features have also been discussed, connected with or bearing upon this subject. Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A., 1921. - A. Mouritz Notes: Much of the material in "The Flu" is still relevant today, like pandemic terminology, thoughts about causes and micro-organisms, the flu's relationship with pneumonia, the impact on society, and approaches to treatments "The Flu" is included in the Surgeon General's Library at the U...

By: A. P. (Andrew Price) Morgan (1836-1906)

Book cover The Myxomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio

By: A. T. (Andrew Taylor) Still (1828-1917)

Book cover Philosophy of Osteopathy

By: A. T. Anderson (?-?)

Book cover How to Do Chemical Tricks

While a bit outdated in many of the more complex descriptions of several of the phenomena described, this book is nonetheless still fun and relevant for a person interested in basic chemistry or physics tricks, and the devices built in the book can be easily replicated with more modern materials. The book is split up into many little experiments, tricks, with an explanation on how it works, what's happening, and how to reproduce the effects at home.

By: A. T. Mahan (1840-1914)

Book cover Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles

By: A.L.O.C.

Book cover The Story of a Dark Plot or Tyranny on the Frontier

By: Abby Morton Diaz (1821-1904)

Book cover A Domestic Problem : Work and Culture in the Household

By: Abraham H. Hummel (1849-1926)

Book cover Danger! A True History of a Great City's Wiles and Temptations The Veil Lifted, and Light Thrown on Crime and its Causes, and Criminals and their Haunts. Facts and Disclosures.

By: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

Book cover Emancipation Proclamation

After having written and released an initial draft of this proclamation in September of 1862, minor changes were made and Lincoln signed it on January 1st, 1863. It declared free the slaves in 10 states not then under Union control, with exemptions specified for areas already under Union control in two states. Lincoln spent the next 100 days preparing the army and the nation for emancipation, while Democrats rallied their voters in the 1862 off-year elections by warning of the threat freed slaves posed to northern whites...

By: Abraham Merritt

The Metal Monster by Abraham Merritt The Metal Monster

The Metal Monster is an Abraham Merritt fantasy novel.Dr. Goodwin is on a botanical expedition in the Himalayas. There hemeets Dick Drake, the son of one of his old science acquaintances. They are witnesses of a strange aurora-like effect, but seemingly a deliberate one. As they go out to investigate, they meet Goodwin’s old friends Martin and Ruth Ventnor, brother and sister scientists. The two are besieged by Persians as Darius III led when Alexander of Macedon conquered them more than two thousand years ago.(Wikipedia)

By: Abraham Myerson (1881-1948)

Book cover The Nervous Housewife

By: Adam White (1817-1879)

Book cover Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.

By: Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Book cover Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Researchers in the United States have performed thousands of human radiation experiments to determine the effects of atomic radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body. Most of these tests were performed, funded, or supervised by the United States military, Atomic Energy Commission, or various other U.S. federal government agencies. The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U...

By: Agnes Arber (1879-1960)

Book cover Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany

Eminent British botanist Agnes Arber provides an authoritative history of printed Herbals -- books widely used in early modern Europe to catalogue the uses of different kinds of plants. While Herbals often reflected pre-scientific and magical beliefs about the properties of plants, Arber's work reveals that they were also critical to the early development of botany and medicine as empirical sciences. A classic in the history of science. - Summary by Josh Leach

By: Agnes Baden-Powell (1858-1945)

Book cover How Girls Can Help Their Country

By: Agnes Giberne (1845-1939)

Book cover Ocean of Air - Meteorology for Beginners

This is an immensely readable book explaining anything to do with air - the atmosphere, wind and clouds, and life. This 1896 explanation has since been overtaken by more specific scientific discoveries, but the general concepts certainly still hold true until today. Any beginner interested in meteorology will find this book a great place to start. - Summary by Carolin

By: Ainsworth Rand Spofford (1825-1908)

Book cover A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries

By: Al Sevcik

Book cover Survival Tactics
Book cover Alien Offer
Book cover A Matter of Magnitude

By: Alan Edward Nourse (1928-1992)

Five Stories by Alan Nourse by Alan Edward Nourse Five Stories by Alan Nourse

These Five Stories were written by Alan Edward Nourse, an American science fiction (SF) author and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works generally focused on medicine and/or psionics. Psionics refers to the practice, study, or psychic ability of using the mind to induce paranormal phenomena. Examples of this include telepathy, telekinesis, and other workings of the outside world through the psyche.

Book cover Derelict
Book cover Bear Trap
Book cover Image of the Gods
Book cover Contamination Crew
Book cover My Friend Bobby
Book cover The Dark Door
Book cover Second Sight
Book cover The Native Soil
Book cover Letter of the Law
Book cover Circus
Marley's Chain by Alan Edward Nourse Marley's Chain
Book cover The Coffin Cure
Book cover Meeting of the Board
Book cover Infinite Intruder
Martyr by Alan Edward Nourse Martyr
Book cover PRoblem
Book cover The Link

By: Alan Mattox

Book cover Shepherd of the Planets

By: Albert Burton Farnham (1870-)

Book cover Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit A Guide for Those Who Wish to Prepare and Mount Animals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, etc., for Home, Den, or Office Decoration

By: Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Book cover Sidelights on Relativity

Sidelights on Relativity contains ETHER AND THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY, an address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden; and GEOMETRY AND EXPERIENCE, an expanded form of an address to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin on January 27th, 1921. (Intro from Project Gutenberg)

By: Albert Frederick Siepert (1883-)

Book cover Bird Houses Boys Can Build

By: Albert Hernhuter

Book cover The Smiler

By: Albert Leffingwell (1845-1916)

Book cover An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals

By: Albert Moll (1862-1939)

Book cover The Sexual Life of the Child

By: Albert Pike (1809-1891)

Book cover Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

By: Albert Teichner

Book cover Cerebrum
Book cover Man Made
Book cover Sweet Their Blood and Sticky

By: Alcinous B. (Alcinous Burton) Jamison (1851-)

Book cover Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis

By: Alex James

Book cover The Shining Cow

By: Alexander Campbell (1822-1892)

Book cover General Instructions For The Guidance Of Post Office Inspectors In The Dominion Of Canada

By: Alexander J. (Alexander James) McIvor-Tyndall (-1940)

Book cover Sex--The Unknown Quantity The Spiritual Function of Sex

By: Alexander Macfarlane (1851-1913)

Book cover Ten British Mathematicians

By: Alexander Mackenzie (1833-1898)

Book cover History of the Mackenzies, with genealogies of the principal families of the name

By: Alexander Miles

Book cover Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.

By: Alexander Philip

Book cover Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge

By: Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)

Celebrated Crimes by Alexandre Dumas Celebrated Crimes

Dumas's 'Celebrated Crimes' was not written for children. The novelist has spared no language -- has minced no words -- to describe the violent scenes of a violent time.In some instances facts appear distorted out of their true perspective, and in others the author makes unwarranted charges. The careful, mature reader, for whom the books are intended, will recognize, and allow for, this fact.The first volume comprises the annals of the Borgias and the Cenci. The name of the noted and notorious Florentine family has become a synonym for intrigue and violence, and yet the Borgias have not been without stanch defenders in history...

Book cover Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay)

By: Alfred Arthur Reade

Book cover Tea and Tea Drinking

Not a complete history of tea, but a pleasant diversion concerning tea, the pleasures found in its drinking, effects, benefits, cautions, etc. Sprinkled with poetry and excerpts from historical personages and the occasional sermon. - Summary by KevinS

By: Alfred Coppel (1921-2004)

Book cover The Hills of Home
The Invader by Alfred Coppel The Invader
Book cover The Peacemaker
Turning Point by Alfred Coppel Turning Point
Book cover Turnover Point

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