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By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Elsie at the World's Fair
Book cover Elsie's Vacation and After Events
Book cover Elsie's Kith and Kin
Elsie at Viamede by Martha Finley Elsie at Viamede
Book cover Elsie in the South
Book cover Elsie on the Hudson
Book cover The Two Elsies A Sequel to Elsie at Nantucket

By: Carolyn Wells (1862-1942)

Book cover Patty's Summer Days
Book cover Patty's Friends
Book cover Patty's Success
Book cover Patty's Social Season
Book cover Patty Blossom
Book cover Marjorie's Busy Days
Book cover Marjorie at Seacote

By: James De Mille (1833-1880)

Book cover Lost in the Fog

By: Albert Payson Terhune (1872-1942)

Book cover Further Adventures of Lad

By: Edith Nesbit (1858-1924)

Pussy and Doggy Tales by Edith Nesbit Pussy and Doggy Tales

Charming Tales about cats and dogs.

Book cover Story of the Amulet

The third of the series featuring Cyril, Anthea, Robert and Jane: four children who are, as they often say, "the sort of people that wonderful things happen to". In 'Five Children and It' they were lucky enough to meet the magical, wish-granting Psammead - and in this final book they meet him once again. He guides them to an ancient Amulet that will help them find their hearts' desire - but it's only half an amulet, and seeking for the other half has them whizzing about through time on another series of amazing adventures.

Book cover New Treasure Seekers or, The Bastable Children in Search of a Fortune

By: Kirk Munroe (1850-1930)

The Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines by Kirk Munroe The Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines

The Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines is an adventure set in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The delightful story features a brave and wholesome hero struggling for his rightful copper mining inheritance against smugglers and bandits. He also encounters a beautiful and mysterious maiden who is caught in her father’s secret crimes.

Book cover Under the Great Bear
Book cover Raftmates A Story of the Great River

By: Victor Appleton

Tom Swift and his Airship by Victor Appleton Tom Swift and his Airship

In Tom Swift and His Airship, Tom Swift has finished his latest invention- the Red Cloud, a fast and innovative airship. Tom is anxious for a cross-country trial, but just before he and his friends take off, the Shopton bank is robbed. No sooner is Tom in the air than he is blamed for the robbery. Suddenly, he's a wanted fugitive but doesn't know why until he's half-way across the country. With no safe harbor or friend on the land below, Tom must race back to Shopton to clear his name before he's shot out of the sky.

Book cover Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Land
Book cover Tom Swift and His Giant Telescope
Book cover Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat, or, under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure
Book cover Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers

Tom Swift flies his airship to the mountain tops of Colorado to seek for the secret of the Diamond Makers: criminal scientists who have figured out the formula of manufacturing a limitless fortune in diamonds. But these rogues will stop at nothing to keep their secret. Tom & friends are soon captured and left to die in a collapsing mountain.

Book cover Tom Swift and His Wireless Message

Tom Swift & friends decide to trial an experimental airship near the New Jersey coast, and are unexpectedly swept out to sea by hurricane winds. Unable to steer or navigate without tearing the airship apart, the hapless crew must simply let the storm take them wherever it will. Unfortunately, the storm proves too much for the craft and Tom makes a crash landing on the uninhabited and crumbling Earthquake Island.

Book cover Tom Swift and His Sky Racer

A $10,000 prize lures Tom into competing at a local aviation meet at Eagle Park. Tom is determined to build the fastest plane around, but his plans mysteriously disappear, which means Tom must redesign his new airplane from the beginning.

Book cover Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive, or, Two Miles a Minute on the Rails
Book cover Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters, or, Battling with Flames from the Air
Book cover Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground
Book cover Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airship
Book cover Tom Swift and His Undersea Search, or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic
Book cover Tom Swift and His Air Glider, or Seeking the Platinum Treasure
Book cover Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight; or, on the border for Uncle Sam
Book cover Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone or the Picture That Saved a Fortune
Book cover Tom Swift and His Air Scout, or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Sky
Book cover Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon, or, the Longest Shots on Record
Book cover Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures
Book cover The Moving Picture Boys on the War Front Or, The Hunt for the Stolen Army Films
Book cover The Moving Picture Boys on the Coast Or, Showing Up the Perils of the Deep

By: Ray Cummings (1887-1957)

Brigands of the Moon by Ray Cummings Brigands of the Moon

Gregg Haljan was aware that there was a certain danger in having the giant spaceship Planetara stop off at the moon to pick up Grantline’s special cargo of moon ore. For that rare metal — invaluable in keeping Earth’s technology running — was the target of many greedy eyes. But nevertheless he hadn’t figured on the special twist the clever Martian brigands would use. So when he found both the ship and himself suddenly in their hands, he knew that there was only one way in which he could hope to save that cargo and his own secret — that would be by turning space-pirate himself and paying the Brigands of the Moon back in their own interplanetary coin. (From the Gutenberg e-text)

By: Kate Langley Bosher (1865-1932)

Mary Cary, Frequently Martha by Kate Langley Bosher Mary Cary, Frequently Martha

“My name is Mary Cary. I live in the Yorkburg Female Orphan Asylum. You may think nothing happens in an Orphan Asylum. It does. The orphans are sure enough children, and real much like the kind that have Mothers and Fathers; and that’s why I am going to write this story.” So begins Mary’s diary, which she fills with her various doings and misadventures at the Asylum in Virginia and her sharp observations about life and human nature. She loathes Miss Bray, the head of the Asylum, who is not above telling bald-faced lies to the Board to further her own selfish ends...

By: J. Walker McSpadden (1874-1960)

Book cover Boys' Book of Famous Soldiers

These 12 stories give a personal portrait of twelve famous soldiers from the past two centuries. Each story explores the early life of the solder —to trace his career up from boyhood through the formative years. Such data serves to explain the great soldier of later years. Summary compiled from the preface of the book. (Summary by philchenevert)

By: Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825-1894)

Book cover The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
Book cover Gorilla Hunters

Ralph Rover is happily at home from his adventure on The Coral Island and wondering if he should settle down when he receives a visit from an eccentric stranger that won't give his name. This visit starts him on a string of adventures that find him getting charged by rhinoceroses, chased by African natives, and facing down a larger-than-life gorilla on his own. Of course, this is only the start of his adventure in to the land of the gorillas. Please note: this book has some words now considered derogatory, which are used in a generic way without any derogatory meaning...

Book cover The Big Otter
Book cover The Lifeboat
Book cover The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast
Book cover The Buffalo Runners A Tale of the Red River Plains
Book cover The Norsemen in the West
Book cover The Battery and the Boiler Adventures in Laying of Submarine Electric Cables
Book cover The Rover of the Andes A Tale of Adventure on South America
Book cover Iron Horse

“Is that your bundle, sir?” repeated Mr Blunt a little louder. “Eh? yes, yes—all right,” replied Edwin, annoyed at the interruption, and thinking only of Emma Lee, to whom he turned, and went on—“Well, when Colonel Jones had scaled the first wall—” “Come, sir,” said Blunt, entering the carriage, and laying his hand on Edwin’s shoulder, “it’s not all right. This is another man’s property.” The youth turned round indignantly, and, with a flushed countenance, said, “What do you mean?” “I mean that you are travelling with another man’s property,” said Blunt, quietly pointing to the strapped rug...

Book cover The Golden Dream Adventures in the Far West
Book cover Under the Waves Diving in Deep Waters
Book cover Ungava
Book cover The Lonely Island The Refuge of the Mutineers
Book cover Digging for Gold Adventures in California

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