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By: Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774)

Book cover An Elegy on the Glory of Her Sex, Mrs. Mary Blaize

By: Douglas William Jerrold (1803-1857)

Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures

First serialized in Punch magazine in 1845, and officially published in book form in 1846, Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures presents a collection of 37 lectures delivered by Mrs. Caudle to her husband as a means of reproach for his trivial infractions. Also, the author marvelously incorporates typical elements responsible for disagreements between spouses including the antipathetic mother-in-law, the ne’er-do-well friends, and the jealous outbursts. Jerrold’s charming piece of satire introduces the Victorian married couple, Mr...

By: L. T. Meade (1854-1914)

The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings by L. T. Meade The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings

“That a secret society, based upon the lines of similar institutions so notorious on the Continent during the last century, could ever have existed in the London of our day may seem impossible. Such a society, however, not only did exist, but through the instrumentality of a woman of unparalleled capacity and genius, obtained a firm footing. A century ago the Brotherhood of the Seven Kings was a name hardly whispered without horror and fear in Italy, and now, by the fascinations and influence of one woman, it began to accomplish fresh deeds of unparalleled daring and subtlety in London...

A Master of Mysteries by L. T. Meade A Master of Mysteries

“It so happened that the circumstances of fate allowed me to follow my own bent in the choice of a profession. From my earliest youth the weird, the mysterious had an irresistible fascination for me. Having private means, I resolved to follow my unique inclinations, and I am now well known to all my friends as a professional exposer of ghosts, and one who can clear away the mysteries of most haunted houses….I propose in these pages to relate the histories of certain queer events, enveloped at first in mystery, and apparently dark with portent, but, nevertheless, when grappled with in the true spirit of science, capable of explanation...

By: Mrs. L. T. Meade (1854-1914)

The Rebel of the School by Mrs. L. T. Meade The Rebel of the School

Kathleen O’Hara is a young pretty girl sent to school in England from Ireland by her father to get a good education, but Kathleen has other ideas. She quickly become friends with the girls of the school who don’t pay for their education and in turn these girls consider Kathleen to be their Queen. What trouble will Kathleen and her friends get into? And what will the school do with the naughty, “Rebel of the School?”

By: L. T. Meade (1854-1914)

Book cover Wild Kitty
Daddy's Girl by L. T. Meade Daddy's Girl
Book cover A Very Naughty Girl
Book cover The Honorable Miss A Story of an Old-Fashioned Town
Book cover Polly A New-Fashioned Girl
Book cover Sue, A Little Heroine
Book cover A Sweet Girl Graduate
Book cover A Girl in Ten Thousand
Book cover Red Rose and Tiger Lily or, In a Wider World
Book cover A Little Mother to the Others
Book cover Dickory Dock
Book cover The Time of Roses
Book cover The Palace Beautiful A Story for Girls
Book cover A Modern Tomboy A Story for Girls
Book cover Betty Vivian A Story of Haddo Court School
Book cover Girls of the Forest
Book cover A Life For a Love A Novel
Book cover A Young Mutineer
Book cover The School Queens
Book cover Hollyhock A Spirit of Mischief
Book cover The Children's Pilgrimage
Book cover Light O' the Morning
Book cover A Bunch of Cherries A Story of Cherry Court School
Book cover Good Luck
Book cover A Girl of the People
Book cover How It All Came Round
Book cover Frances Kane's Fortune

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