"Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 30" is a diverse collection of short stories and prose by various German authors. The anthology features a wide range of writing styles and themes, from humorous and lighthearted tales to more profound and thought-provoking pieces.
One of the highlights of this collection is the variety of voices and perspectives represented. Each story offers a unique glimpse into the human experience, exploring topics such as love, loss, and the passage of time. The authors' ability to capture the complexities of life in such a concise format is truly impressive.
While some stories are more engaging than others, overall "Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 30" is a well-rounded and enjoyable read. It is a testament to the talent and creativity of the authors included in this anthology, and a testament to the power of short fiction to transport and inspire readers. Whether you are a fan of German literature or simply enjoy well-crafted storytelling, this collection is sure to captivate and entertain.
Book Description:
Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres.
Gebrüder Grimm (1785-1863; 1786-1859) : Der gestiefelte Kater; Die kluge Else; Geist im Glas; Der Meisterdieb; Der Mond
Elisabeth von Heyking (1861-1925): Bay View, 18. August 1900 Kapitel 64 aus: Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten
Lena Christ (1881-1920): Die Familienfeier aus: Lausdirndlgeschichten
Kurt Tucholsky (1890–1935): Der Ausweis; 10 Gebote
Gustav Meyrink (1868–1932): Coagulum; Ohrensausen
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781): Die Ringparabel
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875): Die Blumen der kleinen Ida
Fritz von Ostini (1861-1927): Arme Seelen
Manfred Kyber (1880-1933): Das Gespenst