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Chinese: 15 free audio books

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By: Sun Tzu 孙武 (554 BCE-496 BCE)

Book cover 孫子兵法 (The Art of War)


By: Various

Book cover 唐诗三百首 卷五 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 5

Compiled around 1763, ‘Three Hundred Tang Poems’ is the standard collection of the poetic art of the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907). Poems in Volume Five are of the style 五 言 絕 句 'Five-character-quatrain' (poems 224 to 260) and 七 言 絕 句 Seven-character-quatrain (poems 261 to 320). All poems recorded in Mandarin.

By: Chinese Union Version

Bible (CUV) NT 01: 聖經 (和合本) 新約全書 - 馬太福音 by Chinese Union Version Bible (CUV) NT 01: 聖經 (和合本) 新約全書 - 馬太福音

The Chinese Union Version (CUV) (Chinese: 和合本; pinyin: héhé běn; literally "harmonized/united version") is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by Chinese Protestants. It is considered by many to be the Chinese Protestant’s Bible. The CUV in use today is the vernacular Mandarin version, published in two slightly different editions - the Shen Edition (神版) and the Shangti Edition (上帝版) - differing in the way the word “God” is translated. 聖經 (...

Book cover 聖經 (和合本) 新約全書 – 約翰福音 (John)

現在稱為《和合本》的聖經,初稱《官話和合本》,用了清朝的慣用稱呼「官話」,至清末民國時期「官話」逐漸改稱「國語」,故此改名《國語和合本。因著《國語和合本》大為流行,成為教會唯一在用的和合譯本,現今簡稱為《和合本》。 上海在華傳教士大會中決議,翻譯用的原文底本是英國出版的《修訂版聖經》 所用的原文底本。Revised Version 又稱《英國修訂本》,其新約希臘文底本,是當時最新的...

Book cover Bible (CUV) 19: 聖經(和合本)-- 詩篇 (The Book of Psalms)

《聖經和合本》(Chinese Union Version,簡稱和合本;今指國語和合本(Kuoyü Union Version),舊稱官話和合本(Mandarin Union Version)),是今日華語基督新教教會最普遍使用的《聖經》譯本,問世一百年以來,一直是華人教會的權威譯本,是眾多信徒心愛的聖經。此譯本的出版源自1890年在上海舉行的傳教士大會,會中各差會派代表成立了三個委員會,各自負責翻譯官話(白話文)、淺文理(淺文言)、深文理(文言文)譯本。1904年,《淺文理和合譯本》(Easy...

By: Confucius (551-479 BC)

論語 Lun Yu (Analects) read in Chinese by Confucius 論語 Lun Yu (Analects) read in Chinese


By: Lu Xun (1881-1936)

热风 (Hot Wind) by Lu Xun 热风 (Hot Wind)

《热风》是鲁迅的第一本杂文集,收录了41篇他于1918-1924年间发表的短文。这些文章长短不一,题材广泛,灵活多变,风格辛辣尖锐,大大发展重塑了杂文这一文学体裁,在新文化运动中起了重要作用。This is the first collection of short essays/commentaries by Lu Xun. It contains 41 articles he published between 1918-1924. Sharp, poignant, varying vastly on their topic, length, and style, these articles redefined the genre of "essay" in Chinese literature, as well as played an important part in the new cultural movement.

By: Unknown

唐诗三百首,卷一  Three Hundred Tang Poems by Unknown 唐诗三百首,卷一 Three Hundred Tang Poems

The Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) was a golden age of Chinese culture: religion and philosophy, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and music all reached peaks of perfection. Poetry was the epitome of the arts: a scholastic requirement, a route to fame, a moulder of character. Nearly 50,000 poems of the Tang have survived. The collection ‘Three Hundred Tang Poems’ was compiled around 1763. It comprises six volumes, with poems grouped by verse form. Volume 1 covers the ‘ancient verse’ style in five-character lines (poems 1 to 35), and ‘folk song style verse’ (36 to 45)...

By: Various

中國傳統書籍三本(三百千) / Three Classic Chinese Texts by Various 中國傳統書籍三本(三百千) / Three Classic Chinese Texts

This is a collection of three classic Chinese texts: the Hundred Surnames (百家姓), the Thousand Character Classic (千字文), and the Three Word Verse (三字經). 中國傳統書籍三本: 百家姓, 千字文, 三字經.

唐诗三百首 卷四 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 4 by Various 唐诗三百首 卷四 Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 4

Compiled around 1763, 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' is the standard collection of the poetic art of the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907). Volume Four has poems in the style 七言律詩 'Seven character regular verse' (poems 170 to 223). 《唐诗三百首》的编选者蘅塘退士(1711~1778),编选这本书是有感于《千家诗》选诗标准不严,体裁不备,体例不一,希望以新的选本取而代之,成为合适的、流传不废的家塾课本。他们的选诗标准是“因专...

By: 劉鶚 Liu O

老殘遊記 Lao Can You Ji (Mr Derelict) by 劉鶚 Liu O 老殘遊記 Lao Can You Ji (Mr Derelict)

本書對於晚清的政治與社會民情有相當的描述,且非常寫實。這些都反映在老殘或夢或醒的遊歷過程中,事實上,他也藉由老殘的夢境來映射他對當時官場與社會現實的看法。 此書不僅為政治類或社會批判性小說,亦是相當成功的遊記類小說,因作者的寫景、寫人與寫情的能力極高,讓人不知不覺地跟著老殘一起遊歷黃河賞美景,一起聽黑妞白妞「大珠小珠落玉盤」般神妙的說書絕技,一起在夢境中歷險,並一起來斷時局,甚至在必要時斷案解惑。

By: 李毓秀 Li Yuexiu

Di Zi Gui by 李毓秀 Li Yuexiu Di Zi Gui

Di Zi Gui (弟子规), in English, means the Standards for being a Good Student and Child. It is an ancient book based on the teaching of the great Confucius that emphasises on the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with others. The source for the main outline of it is from Analects of Confucius, Book 1, Chapter 6, where Confucius said: “A young man should be a good son at home and an obedient young man abroad, sparing of speech but trustworthy in what he says, and should love the multitude at large but cultivate the friendship of his fellow men...

By: 蒲松龄 (Pu Songling) (1640-1715)

Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异 by 蒲松龄 (Pu Songling) Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异

《聊斋志异》,清代短篇小说集,是蒲松龄的代表作,在他40岁左右时基本完成,此后不断有所增补和修改。“聊斋”是他的书屋名称,“志”是记述的意思, “异”指奇异的故事。全书有短篇小说491篇,内容十分广泛,多谈狐、魔、花、妖,以此来概括当时的社会关系,反映了17世纪中国的社会面貌。书中写的是一个花妖鬼狐的世界,既有对如漆墨黑的社会现实的不满,又...

By: 鲁迅 - Lu Xun (1881-1936)

呐喊 (Call to Arms) by 鲁迅 - Lu Xun 呐喊 (Call to Arms)

《呐喊》收录了鲁迅1918年至1922年所作短篇小说十四篇,其中包括中国文学史上第一篇白话文小说《狂人日记》,以及《孔乙己》、《阿Q正传》等鲁迅的代表作品。 "Call to Arms" is a collection of short stories Lu Xun published during 1918-1922. It includes "A Madman's Diary," the first novel written in vernacular Chinese, and other representative fictional works by Lu Xun, such as "Kong Yiji" and "The True Story of Ah-Q".

朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she) by 鲁迅 - Lu Xun 朝花夕拾 (Chao hua si she)

这个集子收录了鲁迅早年“从记忆中抄出来的“记录自己童年往事的散文。这些文章于1926年陆续发表在《莽原》杂志,1927年经鲁迅重新编订,加上小引和后记,于1928年在广州以《朝花夕拾》为名结集出版。这十篇散文长短不一,秉承鲁迅一贯隽永辛辣的文风,于生动刻画民俗众生的同时针砭时事,嘲骂文敌,是鲁迅早期的重要作品。 Chao Hua Si She (Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk) is a collection of essays on Chinese culture and society by Lu Xun, the most influential writer in 20th century China.

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