"Novelle per un anno" by Luigi Pirandello is a compelling collection of short stories that delve into the depth of human emotions and behaviors. Each story is unique and thought-provoking, exploring themes such as identity, truth, and the complexities of human relationships.
Pirandello's writing style is captivating, drawing the reader in with rich descriptions and vivid storytelling. His characters are complex and well-developed, each facing their own struggles and challenges that make them relatable and engaging.
Overall, "Novelle per un anno" is a must-read for fans of classic literature and those who enjoy thought-provoking stories that explore the complexities of the human experience. Luigi Pirandello's masterful storytelling and insightful exploration of human nature make this collection a timeless classic that will leave a lasting impression on readers.
Book Description:
Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera, successivamente ripubblicate in 15 raccolte. Inizialmente erano previste 24 raccolte contenenti 365 novelle, tuttavia la prematura morte dell’autore ha impedito il raggiungimento del traguardo. Postume sono state pubblicate altre novelle scritte dall’autore. Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1922 e il 1938.