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Proverbs   By:

Proverbs by World English Bible

Proverbs, a book of the Bible, is a collection of wise sayings and teachings that offer valuable insights on how to live a fulfilling and righteous life. The World English Bible version presents these timeless truths in a clear and easily understandable way, making it accessible to readers of all ages.

The book is divided into short, poignant verses that cover a wide range of topics including wisdom, discipline, relationships, and the consequences of our actions. Each proverb is packed with practical advice and moral lessons that encourage readers to seek God's guidance and follow his commandments.

What sets this particular translation apart is its modern language and easy-to-read format, which helps to bring the ancient wisdom of Proverbs to life for contemporary audiences. Whether you are a seasoned Bible reader or new to the teachings of Scripture, Proverbs by World English Bible is a valuable resource for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration in their daily lives.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of the Bible and gain insights on how to lead a life of virtue and integrity. It is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers around the world, offering timeless wisdom that is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago.

First Page:

From with slight reformatting by Martin Ward.

Book 20 Proverbs 001:001 The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel: 001:002 to know wisdom and instruction; to discern the words of understanding; 001:003 to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; 001:004 to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young man: 001:005 that the wise man may hear, and increase in learning; that the man of understanding may attain to sound counsel: 001:006 to understand a proverb, and parables, the words and riddles of the wise. 001:007 The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and instruction. 001:008 My son, listen to your father's instruction, and don't forsake your mother's teaching: 001:009 for they will be a garland to grace your head, and chains around your neck. 001:010 My son, if sinners entice you, don't consent. 001:011 If they say, "Come with us, Let's lay in wait for blood; let's lurk secretly for the innocent without cause; 001:012 let's swallow them up alive like Sheol, and whole, like those who go down into the pit. 001:013 We'll find all valuable wealth. We'll fill our houses with spoil. 001:014 You shall cast your lot among us... Continue reading book >>

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