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Homer and Classical Philology By: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Szopka Wiersz Or-Ota By: Artur Oppman
Römische Elegien By: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Journaux intimes By: Charles Baudelaire
McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader By: William Holmes McGuffey
Seasoning of Wood By: J. B. (Joseph Bernard) Wagner
A Book of Remarkable Criminals By: Henry Brodribb Irving
Oeuvres de Champlain By: Samuel de Champlain
Riders to the Sea By: John M. Synge
The Economist By: Unknown
Kalevala By: Elias Lönnrot
Locus Solus By: Raymond Roussel
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Passeggiate per l'Italia, vol. 1 By: Ferdinand Gregorovius
El origen del pensamiento By: Armando Palacio Valdés
The Hairy Ape By: Eugene O'Neill
The Little Warrior By: P. G. Wodehouse
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Little Tales of the Desert By: Ethel Twycross Foster
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Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra By: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Trois contes By: Gustave Flaubert
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Public School Domestic Science By: Adelaide Hoodless
I Mille By: Giuseppe Garibaldi
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Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes By: Robert Louis Stevenson
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Little Nugget By: P. G. Wodehouse
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Myths That Every Child Should Know By: Hamilton Wright Mabie
Deductive Logic By: St. George William Joseph Stock
Immensee By: Theodor Storm
Odes and Epodes By: Unknown
Robur der Sieger By: Jules Verne
Духовные оды By: Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

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