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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 12th 1893   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 12th 1893 offers a fascinating glimpse into the humor and satire of the late 19th century. The collection of cartoons and articles cover a wide range of topics, from politics and social issues to popular culture and everyday life. The wit and clever wordplay of the writers and illustrators are still entertaining and relevant today, making this volume a valuable resource for those interested in the history of comedy and satire. Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 105, August 12th 1893 is a delightful read that provides insight into the Victorian era's sense of humor and satire.

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VOLUME 105, August 12th 1893

edited by Sir Francis Burnand


Paterfamilias entered the drawing room at ten minutes to six o'clock, and found the family still undecided. There was a pause in the conversation when he made his appearance.

"Where are we to go?" he asked, taking out his watch. "You have been quarrelling for the last week, and I have given you till this hour. So get through your amendments as fast as you can."

"I prefer Paris," said Materfamilias, "and I am supported by all the girls. We are decidedly in a majority."

"Paris is simply awful at the end of July!" cried the eldest son. "Give you my word, mother, the place is impossible."

"Venice would certainly be better," said his younger brother. "Charming place, and you get a very decent table d'hôte at DANIELI'S."

"Oh, Venice is too dreadful just now!" exclaimed Aunt MATILDA. "If we are to go with you, we certainly can't travel there. Besides, there's the cholera all over the Continent. Now Oban would be nice."

"Are you speaking seriously?" asked Cousin JANE. "Scotland never agrees with me, but Cairo would be perfect."

"Do you think so, my dear girl?" put in Uncle JOHN. "I fancy you are making a mistake. Egypt is very well in the winter, but it is fearfully hot in August... Continue reading book >>

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