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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, September 30, 1914   By:

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I recently had the pleasure of delving into the pages of Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, September 30, 1914 and was thoroughly impressed by the wit and humor found within its contents. The satirical illustrations and clever articles provided a fascinating glimpse into the social and political climate of early 20th-century Britain.

I particularly enjoyed the way in which the writers and artists of Punch were able to address serious issues with a light-hearted touch, offering both entertainment and insight into the events of the time. The variety of content, from political cartoons to witty commentary on current events, kept me engaged from start to finish.

Overall, I found Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, September 30, 1914 to be a delightful and thought-provoking read that is sure to appeal to fans of satire and British history. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a humorous and enlightening look at the world of a century ago.

First Page:


VOL. 147

SEPTEMBER 30, 1914


The German troops which started out for a "pleasure trip" to Paris are now reported, owing, no doubt, to the influence of British environment, to be taking their pleasures sadly.

Several reasons have been given for the destruction of Rheims Cathedral. The real one is now said to be the following. Owing to the Red Cross Flag being flown from one of the towers the Germans thought the building was only a hospital.

A Scotsman gifted with much native humour wishes it to be known how glad he is to see that the Frenchmen have been getting their Aisne back.

It is reported that the KAISER is proceeding to East Prussia to assume the chief command there. In Petrograd the news is only credited by extreme optimists.

It does not say much for the enterprise of our English newspapers that we should have had to go all the way to India for a reference to what must have been an exceedingly clever capture of one of the enemy. "As the war progresses," says The Times of India of the 20th ult., "the stories of German brutality become more and more frequent. One instance is shown in a letter from a German soldier captured in a mail bag in Lorraine."

We have always held that the Turkish sense of humour has been underrated... Continue reading book >>

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