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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 11, 1891   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 11, 1891" offers a delightful and humorous glimpse into Victorian society through its satirical stories, cartoons, and articles. The magazine's witty commentary on politics, social issues, and everyday life is both entertaining and insightful, providing a unique perspective on the events and attitudes of the time. The illustrations are a highlight, adding an extra layer of humor and creativity to the publication. While some of the humor may be dated, this collection is a fascinating historical document that sheds light on the cultural climate of 19th century England. Overall, "Punch" remains a classic and entertaining read for those interested in Victorian satire and social commentary.

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VOL. 100.

April 11, 1891.




[The MS. of this remarkable novel was tied round with scarlet ribbons, and arrived in a case which had been once used for the packing of bottles of rum, or some other potent spirit. It is dedicated in highly uncomplimentary terms to " Messieurs les Marronneurs glacés de Paris ." With it came a most extraordinary letter, from which we make, without permission, the following startling extracts. "Ha! Ha! likewise Fe Fo Fum. I smell blood, galloping, panting, whirling, hurling, throbbing, maddened blood. My brain is on fire, my pen is a flash of lightning. I see stars, three stars, that is to say, one of the best brands plucked from the burning. I'm going to make your flesh creep. I'll give you fits, paralytic fits, epileptic fits, and fits of hysteria, all at the same time. Have I ever been in Paris? Never. Do I know the taste of absinthe? How dare you ask me such a question? Am I a woman? Ask me another. Ugh! it's coming, the demon is upon me. I must write three murderous volumes. I must, I must! What was that shriek? and that? and that? Unhand me, snakes! Oh!!!! M... Continue reading book >>

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