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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 158, March 17, 1920   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 158, March 17, 1920" is a collection of humorous and satirical cartoons and articles from the popular British magazine. This issue offers a glimpse into the political and social issues of the time, with clever commentary and witty illustrations. The writing is sharp and the illustrations are well-crafted, making for an entertaining and thought-provoking read. Overall, this volume of Punch is a testament to the magazine's enduring charm and relevance, offering readers a delightful mix of humor and insight into the early 20th century.

First Page:


VOL. 158

MARCH 17, 1920


PRINCE ALBERT JOACHIM, it appears, did not take part in the attack on a French officer at the Hotel Adlon, but only gave the signal. Always the little Hohenzollern!

It seems that at the last moment Mr. C. B. COCHRAN broke off negotiations for the exclusive right to organise the CARPENTIER wedding.

"Will Scotland go dry?" asks The Daily Express . Not on purpose, we imagine.

A new method of stopping an omnibus by a foot lever has been patented. This is much better than the old plan of shaking one's umbrella at them.

Mr. LLOYD GEORGE, we read, makes a study of handwriting. The only objection that The Times has to this habit is that he positively refuses to notice the writing on the wall.

It is rumoured that the Government will construct an experimental tunnel between England and the United States in order (1) to cement Anglo American friendship, and (2) to ascertain if the Channel Tunnel is practicable.

Dr. C.W. COLBY, head of the Department of History, has taken Sir AUCLAND GEDDES' place as Principal of McGill University. The report that Sir AUCKLAND will reciprocate by taking a place in history awaits confirmation... Continue reading book >>

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