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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-14   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-14" is a satirical magazine filled with witty cartoons, articles, and poems that provide a humorous commentary on the events and politics of the time. The illustrations are cleverly drawn and the writing is both clever and entertaining. This issue in particular captures the essence of early 20th century British humor, showcasing the sharp wit and social commentary that Punch was known for. Overall, a delightful read for anyone interested in historical satire and British culture.

First Page:

Transcriber's Note: typo "thundebrolt" changed to thunderbolt on page 267. The symbol was used to bracket where text appeared upside down in the original.



Vol. 158.

April 14, 1920.


"Hat pins to match the colour of the eyes are to be very fashionable this year," according to a Trade journal. This should be good news to those Tube travellers who object to having green hat pins stuck in their blue eyes.

Enterprise cannot be dead if it is really true that a well known publisher has at last managed to persuade Mr. WINSTON CHURCHILL to write a few words concerning the Labour Question.

"I have never been knocked down by a motor omnibus," says Mr. JUSTICE DARLING. The famous judge should not complain. He must take his turn like the rest of us.

"Never pull the doorbell too hard" is the advice of a writer on etiquette in a ladies' journal. When calling at a new wooden house the safest plan is not to pull the bell at all.

"American bacon opened stronger yesterday," says a market report. If it opened any stronger than the last lot we bought it must have "gone some."

Five golf balls were discovered inside a cow which was found dead last week on a Hertfordshire golf course... Continue reading book >>

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