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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 146, January 7, 1914   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 146, January 7, 1914 is a collection of satirical and humorous cartoons, essays, and poems that provide a fascinating insight into the political and social issues of the early 20th century. The magazine covers a wide range of topics, from politics and current events to fashion and popular culture.

The cartoons are sharp and witty, poking fun at politicians, celebrities, and societal norms in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. The essays are equally engaging, offering commentary on the issues of the day with a blend of humor and astuteness.

Overall, Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 146, January 7, 1914 is a delightful read for anyone interested in history, humor, or just looking for a good chuckle. It provides a unique snapshot of the attitudes and concerns of the time, and serves as a reminder that humor can be a powerful tool for understanding and critiquing the world around us. I highly recommend this collection for anyone who enjoys satire and wit.

First Page:


VOL. 146.

JANUARY 7, 1914.



Heavily dragged the night; the Year Was passing, and the clock's slow tick Boomed its sad message to my ear And made me pretty sick. "You have been slack," I told myself, "and weak; You have done foolishly, from wilful choice; Sloth and procrastination " Here my voice Broke in a squeak.

And deep repentance welled in me As I mused darkly on my sin; Yea, Conscience stung me, like a bee That gets her barb well in. "Next year," I swore, in this compunctious mood, "I will be energetic, virtuous, kind; Unflinching I will face the awful grind Of being good."

I paused, half troubled by a thought Were my proposals too sublime? Vowed I more deeply than I ought? I glanced to see the time. It was 12.10 A.M. At once a thrill, A wave of manful resolution, sped Through all my being. "Yes," I bravely said; " Next year I will!"


[Being Sir GEORGE ALEXANDER'S production of The Attack at the St... Continue reading book >>

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