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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 29, 1919   By:

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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 29, 1919 is a collection of satirical and humorous sketches that provide insight into British society during the early 20th century. The publication covers a range of topics from politics to fashion, giving readers a snapshot of the cultural climate of the time.

What stands out most about this collection is the clever wit and sharp commentary that is present throughout the pages. The writers are adept at poking fun at the absurdities of their society while also offering astute observations about the issues of the day. The cartoons and illustrations are equally engaging, adding visual humor to the written content.

While some of the references may be dated, there is still much to enjoy in this volume for readers interested in history, humor, or both. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 29, 1919 offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and showcases the enduring appeal of satire as a form of social commentary.

First Page:



VOL. 156.

January 29, 1919.


Peace is only a matter of time, says Mr. HUGHES. The ex Kaiser is said to be of the opinion that Mr. HUGHES might have been more explicit as to who is going to get that "time."

Meanwhile the ex Kaiser is growing a beard. He evidently has no desire to share the fate of "Wilhelmshaven."

After reading the numerous articles on whether he should be charged with murder or not, we have come to the conclusion that the answer now rests solely between "Yes" or "No."

Mr. DE VALERA has been appointed a delegate of the Irish Republic to the Peace Conference. The fact that he has not ordered the Peace Conference to come to Brixton prison should satisfy doubters like The Daily News that Sinn Fein can be moderate when it wants to.

People in search of quiet amusement will be glad to know that there will be an eclipse of the sun on May 29th.

Owing to the overcrowding of Tube trains we understand there is some talk of men with beards being asked to leave them in the ticket offices.

It is reported that an All Tube team has applied for admission to the Rugby Union.

A large number of forged five pound notes are stated to be in circulation in London... Continue reading book >>

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