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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 21, 1920   By:

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"Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 21, 1920" is a collection of satirical cartoons and humorous articles that provide a fascinating glimpse into the social and political landscape of early 20th century England. The illustrations are skillfully drawn and the writing is clever and witty, offering a blend of entertainment and insightful commentary on current events.

The magazine's humor is often sharp and cutting, poking fun at politicians, societal norms, and cultural trends of the time. While some of the references may be unfamiliar to modern readers, the underlying themes of human nature and folly are timeless and continue to resonate today.

Overall, "Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 21, 1920" is a delightful read for anyone interested in history, satire, or simply looking for a good laugh. The contributors have crafted a well-rounded and entertaining publication that is sure to entertain and provoke thought in equal measure.

First Page:


VOL. 159.

JULY 21, 1920


To judge by the Spa Conference it looks as if we might be going to have a peace to end peace.

It will soon be necessary for the Government to arrange an old age pension scheme for Peace Conference delegates.

It is difficult to know whom or what to blame for the exceptionally wet weather we have been having, says an evening paper. Pending a denial from Mr. Lloyd George, The Times has its own opinion as to who is at the bottom of it.

Mr. Stanton pointed out in the House of Commons that, unless increased salaries are given to Members, there will be a strike. Fears are entertained, however, that a settlement will be reached.

"The Derry shirt cutters," says a news item, "have decided to continue to strike." The Derry throat cutters, on the other hand, have postponed striking to a more favourable opportunity.

The way to bring down the price of home killed meat, the Ministry of Food announces officially, is for the public not to buy it. You can't have your cheap food and eat it.

Harborough Rocks, one of the few Druid Circles in the kingdom, has been sold. Heading for the Rocks, the famous Druid Circle at Westminster, has also been sold on several occasions by the Chief Wizard... Continue reading book >>

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